Manna and Mercy Board Book Bundle
A bundle of all four board books from the Manna and Mercy collection. Use these colorful and inviting board books to share the images and words of Daniel Erlander with young children!
Making Sense of the Christian Faith Leader Guide
Lead your small group as they ask questions and engage in conversation about the major theological doctrines of the Christian faith. Making Sense of the...
Making Sense of Scripture Participant Book
In Making Sense of Scripture, David Lose invites the reader to engage in a conversation, one that he imagines discussing around his kitchen table, about seven...
The Greatest Story: Bible Introduction Leader Guide (Lutheran Study Bible Edition)
The Greatest Story Leader Guide (Lutheran Study Bible Edition) is designed to help leaders support participants as they experience the big-picture overview of...
God with Us: A Manna and Mercy Christmas Board Book
This colorful and inviting board book introduces young children to the story of Christmas.
Matthew Learner Guide: Books of Faith
Open Scripture and join the conversation around the book of Matthew with this Learner Session Guide.
Making Sense of the Christian Faith Participant Book
Making Sense of the Christian Faith is an exciting and inviting exploration of the major theological doctrines of the Christian faith in the order of the...
By Heart Facilitator Guide
Offers guidance and encouragement for the group facilitator to coordinate a 7-session course highlighting By Heart. The point of this course is conversation and this guide can assist!
Making Sense of Martin Luther Leader Guide
Skillfully guide groups through Making Sense of Martin Luther with this easy-to-use leader guide.
Making Sense of Martin Luther DVD
Presented by David J. Lose, this seven-session video explores how Luther's understanding of God's life-changing gospel informs day-to-day faith and life in the world today.
Book of Faith Advent Reflections: I Wonder as I Wander
Hope, love, joy and peace - for many of us, these are the names of the four candles lit during Advent. But do these words mean anything to us and to the world...
El Catecismo Menor de Lutero / Luther's Small Catechism: Bilingual Edition 5/pkg
English and Spanish texts in a 4"x 6" side-by-side page format. Textos en inglés y español colocados lado a lado en un formato de 4" x 6".
Roots of Our Faith: A Six-Session Course on Lutheran Teaching
Roots of Our Faith is a six session summary of the confessions of the Lutheran church and an explanation of the main parts of the Augsburg Confession. It has...
1, 2 Corinthians Learner Guide: Books of Faith
This 8-session study examines the correspondence from the apostle Paul to the early church in Corinth. Paul's letters to this church provided guidance - for...
The Use of the Means of Grace: (English Edition)
This statement was adopted for guidance and practice of Word and Sacrament in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America at the 1997 Churchwide Assembly.
Papa Luther: A Graphic Novel
The exciting story of Martin Luther, told through the eyes of his children Hans and Magda.
1 John Learner Session Guide: Books of Faith
Open Scripture and join the conversation around the book of 1 John with this Learner Session Guide. Each session opens with a gathering prayer and focus...
The Greatest Story: Bible Introduction
The Greatest Story: Bible Introduction is a 16-session overview of Genesis through Revelation that introduces the key people, places, and events of scripture in an easy-to-understand story. Participants are invited to explore where they fit in the greatest story and how the greatest story fits in their lives.
Books of Faith
Explore individual books of the Bible through historical, literary, Lutheran, and devotional lenses. Each Books of Faith study includes a Leader Guide and Learner Guide.
The Greatest Story: Paul
The Greatest Story: Paul takes participants on an exploration of the life of the Apostle Paul, from Acts through the Epistles.
Dialogues On: The Refugee Crisis
Animate: Faith
Spark conversation in your faith community with Animate: Faith, which features leading voices exploring big questions of the Christian faith. Resources are available as complete curricula or digital lessons.
Dialogues On: Race
The Greatest Story: Jesus
Engage. Surprise. Transform. Journey through the Gospel narratives - Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John - in this exciting exploration of the life and ministry of Jesus.
Together in Faith
Explore a theme or look at Revised Common Lectionary texts through historical, literary, Lutheran, and devotional lenses. Each study includes a Leader Guide, Learner Guide, and Liturgy and Preaching Supports.
Dialogues On: Sexuality
Animate: Bible
Dig deeper into the Bible and how it came to be
Animate: Practices
Explore core faith practices viewing videos featuring leading Christian voices, taking time for personal reflection and journaling, and sharing ideas with the group. Resources are available as complete curricula or digital lessons.
Book of Faith Foundational Resources
Practical courses that help leaders and participants develop basic Bible study skills.
Advent Reflections
Advent Reflections is a series of daily devotional resources that include Bible studies for group use and activity ideas and suggestions for families.
Lenten Journey
Open scripture and join in conversations about the Bible with friends, family, or a small group during Lent. Free downloadable worship helps are available for each Lenten Journey.
Bread for the Day
Offering Bible readings and prayers for each day, this devotional is perfect for individuals, congregations, households, or small groups.
By Heart
An in-depth exploration of the Small Catechism designed to be used in group discussions, as an adult study, and for personal enrichment.
Together by Grace
Gather together to explore and share the gifts of a Lutheran calling to Christian faith and mission.
Making Sense
Discuss big questions about scripture, Christian faith, and the cross. David J. Lose is the course author and video presenter.
Dialogues On
Turn conflict into community with this topical small group focused on global issues and how they relate to local communities.
Book of Faith
Open scripture and join the conversation with Bible studies and devotional resources supporting the ELCA’s Book of Faith initiative.
The Greatest Story
Courses on Bible Introduction, Jesus, and Paul, each featuring a DVD created by sand artist Joe Castillo, a participant book, and leader guide. Lutheran Study Bible is highly recommended for leaders and participants.
Breathe new life into your congregation with this series of courses on the Bible, faith, and faith practices.