Preparing the Assembly's Worship: A Handbook for Worship Planning
Preparing the Assembly's Worship aids worship leaders in the short- and long-term preparation of worship in their congregation.
2025 Appointment Book
The Augsburg Fortress Appointment Book, frequently called "The Little Red Book," will be available for 2025. Due to rising costs, this is the last print edition we will be able to provide. Consider trying our 2025 Digital Appointment Book, available here at no cost. This is one way to access the information found in the print edition of the appointment book.
Also available as a Free Digital Download
Luther's Small Catechism, Pocket Edition 5/pkg
Martin Luther's guide to the basics of Christian faith in a pocket-sized format.
Manna and Mercy: A Brief History of God's Unfolding Promise to Mend the Entire Universe
A vibrant, in-depth exploration of the Bible in the classic Erlander style, focusing on God’s grace and never-ending love for humanity.
A Place for You Interactive Edition: My Holy Communion Book
Contains all of the original A Place for You content from Daniel Erlander, plus 12 additional pages of interactive content kids will love.
Come to the Water, Little One: My Holy Baptism Board Book
This colorful and inviting board book introduces young children to holy baptism with its welcoming message: "Come to the water, little one!"
Luther's Small Catechism, Study Edition
Martin Luther's guide to the basics of Christian faith, newly illustrated and with study helps.
Luther's Small Catechism with African Descent Reflections
This edition of Luther's Small Catechism is not only the version of the Small Catechism widely used among Lutherans in North America today, but also includes reflections from a distinguished group of African descent Lutheran theologians. These brief commentaries offer additional context, language, and illumination from the experiences of African descent people, both past and present, to enrich our understanding of the Small Catechism and enliven faith.
See Me, Believe Me: A Guide to Deepen Allyship with Congregational Leaders of Color
In See Me, Believe Me, Rev. Dr. Yolanda Denson-Byers offers an honest and unflinching look at the challenges faced by leaders of color in the predominantly white ELCA. Her insights and concrete suggestions for action illustrate how seeing and believing leaders of color are essential steps in the journey of allyship.
Come to the Water: An Interactive Baptism Manual for Kids
This new resource draws on Daniel Erlander's two other baptism manuals: Let the Children Come and Water Washed and Spirit Born plus additional pages that are full of interactive content that kids will love.
A Place for You Original Edition: My Holy Communion Book
A beloved story of Jesus welcoming you to his special meal of Holy Communion. This Daniel Erlander book is designed for all ages to explore.
The Small Catechism in Contemporary English/LBW Texts: Pocket Edition Quantity per package: 5
Based on the 1531 edition of Luther's Small Catechism, this 1979 edition adds the texts used in Lutheran Book of Worship for the Apostles' Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and for the Words of Institution. Spanish version also available.
By Heart: Conversations with Martin Luther's Small Catechism
A richly illustrated, in-depth exploration of the Small Catechism. Suitable for group discussion, an adult study or personal enrichment. Connects your life today to the biblical and historical context of the Small Catechism.
Honoring Our Neighbor’s Faith: A Lutheran Perspective on Faith Traditions in America, Revised Edition
Hundreds of Christian denominations and dozens of non-Christian traditions have followers in the United States. How do we view this wide variety of beliefs and practices? How does the Lutheran tradition compare with others?
The Lutheran Handbook: A Field Guide to Church Stuff, Everyday Stuff, and the Bible
The essential field guide for all things Lutheran. Confirmands or anyone hiking the trails of life's adventures and challenges will want to pack...
ReEngaging ELCA Social Teaching on The Church in Society
Childs contextualizes this foundational statement, helping us think creatively about how we are called to be the church today. Grounded in scripture and Lutheran theology, he charts the history of Lutheran public witness, deftly connecting it with our present. How are we guided to speak today? Exploring this book will spark generative conversation.
ReEngaging ELCA Social Teaching on Abortion
Riswold calls us to think together about the ELCA’s 1991 social statement on abortion. Our social, political, and legal context has changed drastically since this statement was written, but one thing remains the same: we as Lutherans are called to compassionate community. Riswold’s engaging prose invites readers into thoughtful conversation.
The Annotated Luther, Volume 1: The Roots of Reform
Contains writings from 1517 to 1520 by Martin Luther that defined the roots of reform, beginning with the Ninety-Five Theses through The Freedom of a Christian, and including treatises, letters, and sermons. Also included are documents that reveal Luther's earliest confrontations with Rome that led to his excommunication by Leo X in 1520.
Manna and Mercy: An Interactive Edition for Kids
This resource includes selected content from the original Manna and Mercy plus additional pages of interactive content that kids will love.
A Place for You, Little One: My Holy Communion Board Book
This colorful and inviting board book introduces young children to holy communion with its welcoming message: "There’s a place for you!"
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