Augsburg Fortress

Products (195)
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  • Making Sense of Martin Luther Leader Guide

    Making Sense of Martin Luther Leader Guide

    Skillfully guide groups through Making Sense of Martin Luther with this easy-to-use leader guide.



  • Luther's Ninety-Five Theses

    Luther's Ninety-Five Theses

    From Luther's day to the present, October 31, 1517 has been considered the birthday of the Reformation. At noon on this Eve of All Saints' Day, Luther nailed...



    $5.00Save 75%

  • El Catecismo Menor de Lutero / Luther's Small Catechism: Bilingual Edition 5/pkg

    El Catecismo Menor de Lutero / Luther's Small Catechism: Bilingual Edition 5/pkg

    English and Spanish texts in a 4"x 6" side-by-side page format. Textos en inglés y español colocados lado a lado en un formato de 4" x 6".



  • Blessing and Beseeching: Seventy Prayers Inspired by the Scriptures

    Blessing and Beseeching: Seventy Prayers Inspired by the Scriptures

    Collected here are seventy new prayers that grew from Gail Ramshaw's close reading of the Bible in the quietest months of the pandemic. Surprises and riches are found on every page. By turns bold and humble, universal and deeply personal, Ramshaw's poetry in prayer will inspire individual reflection and enrich public worship settings alike.



  • Papa Luther: A Graphic Novel

    Papa Luther: A Graphic Novel

    The exciting story of Martin Luther, told through the eyes of his children Hans and Magda.



  • Lectionary Mosaics: Three Readings Juxtaposed for Reflection and Proclamation

    Lectionary Mosaics: Three Readings Juxtaposed for Reflection and Proclamation

    Holding together all three readings of the Revised Common Lectionary for each Sunday and festival, the brief mosaic paragraphs in this book invite you to faith in the triune God, love of neighbor, and care for our earthly home.



  • By Heart Course DVD

    By Heart Course DVD

    Short, lively, animated videos provide a way to focus the group's attention toward the By Heart book. Designed to be used with the By Heart course to pique interest.



  • Power, Politics, and the Missouri Synod: A Conflict That Changed American Christianity

    Power, Politics, and the Missouri Synod: A Conflict That Changed American Christianity

    Power, Politics, and the Missouri Synod follows the rise of two Lutheran clergymen-Herman Otten and J. A. O. Preus-who led different wings of a...



  • A Place for You Animated Videos

    A Place for You Animated Videos

    Featuring a hand-drawn animation style that perfectly complements the illustrations of Daniel Erlander, these three videos tell the story of A Place for You in a fresh way.



  • Martin Luther's Easter Book

    Martin Luther's Easter Book

    This powerful book of passages from Martin Luther's Easter sermons portrays the reformer's lasting thoughts on faith, human imperfection, salvation through...



  • The Book of Concord (New Translation): The Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church

    The Book of Concord (New Translation): The Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church

    Commissioned in 1993, this translation of The Book of Concord brings a new generation of scholarship and sensitivities to bear on the foundational texts of...



  • Praying the Catechism, Revised and Expanded Edition

    Praying the Catechism, Revised and Expanded Edition

    Praying the Catechism invites the reader into a journey of prayer and meditation through the text of Luther’s Small Catechism. This edition includes updated language, new daily prayers, and contemporary examples such as inclusivity, justice and peace issues, and the climate crisis.



  • Atlas of the European Reformations

    Atlas of the European Reformations

    A new atlas of the European Reformations has been keenly needed. Fortress Press is pleased to offer the Atlas of the European Reformations.  



  • The Lutheran Course Workbook

    The Lutheran Course Workbook

    The title says it all. This book makes the course "work" for participants, guiding them through the presentation and small group time with wit and wisdom. Essential learner resource.



  • 40-Day Journey with Martin Luther

    40-Day Journey with Martin Luther

    Drawing from Luther’s Small Catechism, his Large Catechism, and other sources, editor Gracia Grindal here selects forty inspiring passages that raise profound truths...



  • Oye Mi Voz: Un Libro de Oraciones para la Prisión

    Oye Mi Voz: Un Libro de Oraciones para la Prisión

    Un libro de oraciones llenas de gracia que invitan a las personas encarceladas a pasar su tiempo en la oración, confiando en el infinito amor incondicional que Dios nos brinda a todos.

    This grace-filled prayer book invites people who are incarcerated to spend time in prayer, trusting in God's never-failing love for them and the whole world.



  • Come to the Water Animated Video

    Come to the Water Animated Video

    Featuring a hand-drawn animation style that perfectly complements the illustrations of Daniel Erlander, this video highlights the messages found in Daniel Erlander's baptism manuals.



  • Book of Harmony: Spirit and Service in the Lutheran Confessions

    Book of Harmony: Spirit and Service in the Lutheran Confessions

    This study presents the Lutheran Confessions as a valuable partner for ministry in twenty-first-century contexts, interpreting these teachings for those who want to learn more about this branch of the Reformation. 



  • The Wit of Martin Luther

    The Wit of Martin Luther

    Eric Gritsch ties Luther's wit and humor to his sharp polemical exploitation of the absurd or incongruous in service to his Reform. At a deeper level Luther's...



  • The Freedom of a Christian, 1520: The Annotated Luther Study Edition

    The Freedom of a Christian, 1520: The Annotated Luther Study Edition

    Timothy J. Wengert skillfully sheds light on Luther's popular treatise. As controversy concerning his writings grew, Luther wrote a reconciliation-minded letter to Pope Leo X (1475-1521). To this letter he appended a nonpolemical tract describing the heart of his beliefs, The Freedom of a Christian.

