Augsburg Fortress

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  • Reclaiming the ''L'' Word: Renewing the Church from Its Lutheran Core

    Reclaiming the ''L'' Word: Renewing the Church from Its Lutheran Core

    Reclaiming the "L" Word is a book about renewing congregations by recognizing and living out the core teachings of the Lutheran faith. In the introduction, the...



  • The Annotated Luther, Volume 1: The Roots of Reform

    The Annotated Luther, Volume 1: The Roots of Reform

    Volume 1 of The Annotated Luther series contains writings that defined the roots of reform set in motion by Martin Luther, beginning with the Ninety-Five Theses (1517) through The Freedom of a Christian (1520).



  • Luther the Reformer: The Story of the Man and His Career, Second Edition

    Luther the Reformer: The Story of the Man and His Career, Second Edition

    For nearly thirty years, Luther the Reformer has been the standard Luther biography. Fair, insightful, and detailed without being overwhelming, Kittelson was able to negotiate a “middle way” that presented a more complete chronological picture of Luther than many had yet portrayed. For this revised edition, Hans H. Wiersma has made an outstanding text even better. The research is updated, and the text is revised throughout, with images, bibliographies, and timelines to enhance the experience. It’s a great volume, greatly improved.



  • The Annotated Luther, Volume 4: Pastoral Writings

    The Annotated Luther, Volume 4: Pastoral Writings

    Volume 4 of The Annotated Luther series presents an array of Martin Luther’s writings related to pastoral work, including sermons, hymns, letters, writings on prayer and the Christian life, as well as his widely used Small Catechism. 



  • The Bondage of the Will, 1525 (abridged): The Annotated Luther Study Edition

    The Bondage of the Will, 1525 (abridged): The Annotated Luther Study Edition

    In autumn 1525, Luther wrote The Bondage of the Will as a response to humanist and theologian Erasmus of Rotterdam, who had criticized Luther's teachings in the diatribe On Free Will. Luther's argument on the matter of the bound and free will poses a challenge and an invitation for constructive contemporary theology.



  • The Annotated Luther, Volume 2: Word and Faith

    The Annotated Luther, Volume 2: Word and Faith

    Volume 2 of The Annotated Luther series contains a number of the writings categorized under the theme word and faith. Luther was particularly focused on what the word "does" in order to create and sustain faith.



  • Resilient Reformer: The Life and Thought of Martin Luther

    Resilient Reformer: The Life and Thought of Martin Luther

    In this telling, Luther is an energetic, resilient actor, driven by very human strengths and failings, always wishing to do right by his understanding of God and the witness of the Scriptures.



    $44.00Save 75%

  • Treatise on Good Works, 1520: The Annotated Luther Study Edition

    Treatise on Good Works, 1520: The Annotated Luther Study Edition

    Timothy J. Wengert shows Luther's Treatise on Good Works to be one of the clearest introductions to Luther's reforming work and theology. Luther's goal was to commend a new, down-to-earth piety to all Christians through a radically different meaning of good works that would transform the way believers practiced their faith.



  • The Annotated Luther, Volume 3: Church and Sacraments

    The Annotated Luther, Volume 3: Church and Sacraments

    Volume 3 of The Annotated Luther series presents five key writings that focus on Martin Luther's understanding of the gospel as it relates to church, sacraments, and worship. Included in the volume are: The Babylonian Captivity of the Church (1520); The German Mass and Order of the Liturgy (1526); That These Words of Christ, "This is my Body," etc., Still Stand Firm Against the Fanatics (1527); Concerning Rebaptism (1528), and On the Councils and the Church (1539).



  • The Babylonian Captivity of the Church, 1520: The Annotated Luther Study Edition

    The Babylonian Captivity of the Church, 1520: The Annotated Luther Study Edition

    In his The Babylonian Captivity of the Church, Martin Luther set forth a reconsideration of the sacramental Christian life that centered on the word. His thesis is that the papacy had distorted the sacraments with its own traditions and regulations, transforming them into a system of control and coercion.



  • Living Lutheran: Renewing Your Congregation

    Living Lutheran: Renewing Your Congregation

    Kelly Fryer's book Reclaiming the L Word introduced one congregation's journey through renewal. Now Dave Daubert provides a practical how-to guide that will...



  • Martin Luther and the Called Life

    Martin Luther and the Called Life

    In this refreshing book, Mark D. Tranvik turns attention to the importance of vocation in Luther’s life and in doing so discovers renewed insights into this important doctrine. Drawing from the rich experience of twenty years of teaching undergraduates, Tranvik balances the historical roots of Luther’s thought and contemporary relevance with skill and vigor.



  • The Wit of Martin Luther

    The Wit of Martin Luther

    Eric Gritsch ties Luther's wit and humor to his sharp polemical exploitation of the absurd or incongruous in service to his Reform. At a deeper level Luther's...



  • Fortress Introduction to Lutheranism

    Fortress Introduction to Lutheranism

    A helpful and accessible guide to Lutheranism's history and central tenents, with numerous photos and illustrations. Small wonder that many are confused...



  • Power, Politics, and the Missouri Synod: A Conflict That Changed American Christianity

    Power, Politics, and the Missouri Synod: A Conflict That Changed American Christianity

    Power, Politics, and the Missouri Synod follows the rise of two Lutheran clergymen-Herman Otten and J. A. O. Preus-who led different wings of a...



  • Memoirs in Exile: Confessional Hope and Institutional Conflict

    Memoirs in Exile: Confessional Hope and Institutional Conflict

    "John Tietjen's close account of the conflict within a Christian body moves with the skill, the drama, and the characterization of a novel. But there is no...



  • Baptism: A User's Guide

    Baptism: A User's Guide

    Read Fortress Press's interview with Martin Marty, only on! To see baptism as merely a ceremony greatly limits the meanings of Christian...



  • My Conversations with Martin Luther

    My Conversations with Martin Luther

    What could a 16th-century German possibly have to say to us modern folk as we enter the 21st century? If that man is Martin Luther, a lot! In this richly...



  • Living in the Kingdom: Reflections on Luther's Catechism, Revised Edition

    Living in the Kingdom: Reflections on Luther's Catechism, Revised Edition

    This revised and updated classic by beloved theologian Alvin N. Rogness explores questions like, "What does it mean to be a responsible citizen of God's...



  • The Book of Concord: The Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church

    The Book of Concord: The Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church

    Confessional writings of the Lutheran Church and other information essential to understanding the confessions.

