Augsburg Fortress

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  • Sources and Contexts of the Book of Concord

    Sources and Contexts of the Book of Concord

    Born in controversy and raised in university settings, the Lutheran reform movement was embroiled immediately, publicly, and perennially in theological...



  • Luther's Works, Volume 50: Letters 3

    Luther's Works, Volume 50: Letters 3

    Volume 50 of the American Edition of Luther's Works is the third and final volume of letters in this series; it presents 89 letters written by Luther in the...



  • Luther's Works, Volume 49: Letters II

    Luther's Works, Volume 49: Letters II

    For Martin Luther, the period stretching from March 1522 to October of 1530 marked a time of tremendous change—ecclesiastical, political, and personal....



  • Luther's Works, Volume 48: Letters 1

    Luther's Works, Volume 48: Letters 1

    Luther wrote the 119 letters in this volume between 1507 and 1522, during the momentous years that saw him change from an obedient and determined priest of...



  • On Christian Liberty

    On Christian Liberty

    This timeless little classic communicates essential teachings of Martin Luther. The subject of Freedom is both timely and poignantly relevant today. For the...



  • The Augsburg Confession: A Commentary

    The Augsburg Confession: A Commentary

    A concise commentary, highly useful as an accompaniment to the reading of the Augsburg Confession itself. All who are interested in the doctrinal traditions...



  • Where God Meets Man: Luther's Down-to-Earth Approach to the Gospel

    Where God Meets Man: Luther's Down-to-Earth Approach to the Gospel

    This book about Luther's theology is written out of a two-fold conviction. First, that many of our problems have arisen because we have not really understood...



  • Luther Refracted: The Reformer's Ecumenical Legacy

    Luther Refracted: The Reformer's Ecumenical Legacy

    Luther Refracted speaks to the currency that Luther’s life and thought continue to enjoy in today’s Christian reflection. The contributors, representing a variety of Christian denominations, demonstrate Luther’s impact on their own traditions and, together with the Lutheran respondents, encourage a fresh understanding of the Reformer.



  • Fruit for the Soul: Luther on the Lament Psalms

    Fruit for the Soul: Luther on the Lament Psalms

    It is easy to forget how often Luther’s concerns turned toward helping the common person understand and take comfort from God’s word. In this volume, Dennis Ngien helps contemporary readers engage Luther’s commentary on the lament psalms.  



  • Treatise on Good Works: Luther Study Edition

    Treatise on Good Works: Luther Study Edition

    Luther's transformational idea of justification by faith alone was often misunderstood and misrepresented in the early years of the Reformation. In 1520, with his...



  • Luther: Out of the Storm

    Luther: Out of the Storm

    The first major biography of Martin Luther in English in many years, Luther: Out of the Storm responds to recent Reformation scholarship to assess Luther's...



  • Priesthood, Pastors, Bishops: Public Ministry for the Reformation & Today

    Priesthood, Pastors, Bishops: Public Ministry for the Reformation & Today

    Today's Protestant churches are often rent by disagreement and dissent over the office of bishop, the roles of the ordained, and myriad forms of lay ministry. ...



  • Christ Present in Faith: Luther's View of Justification

    Christ Present in Faith: Luther's View of Justification

    Mannermaa's revisionist work on justification in Luther's theology — a notable contribution from one of the most influential Finnish scholars of Luther...



  • Christians in Society: Luther, the Bible, and Social Ethics

    Christians in Society: Luther, the Bible, and Social Ethics

    Disagreement on ethical issues overlays a lack of consensus today on even deeper issues of method and authority in ethics. Yet a major ecumenical resource and...



  • The Promise of Lutheran Ethics

    The Promise of Lutheran Ethics

    Is there a distinctive Lutheran ethical stance? What does this deep and robust religious tradition have to say to today's dilemmas in personal and social...



  • Luther's Works, Volume 37: Word and Sacrament III

    Luther's Works, Volume 37: Word and Sacrament III

    This volume contains Luther's most extensive exposition of his understanding of the Lord's Supper. Directed against the more radical representatives of the...



  • Luther's Works, Volume 38: Word and Sacrament IV

    Luther's Works, Volume 38: Word and Sacrament IV

    The final volume in the section entitled "Word and Sacrament" of Luther's Works traces the development of Luther's concept of the Lord's Supper from the...



  • The Lutherans in North America: Revised Edition

    The Lutherans in North America: Revised Edition

    This book gives today's Lutherans a sense of heritage, identity and continuity, a sense of self-understanding. Readers will see themselves as part of a...



  • Women of the Reformation: In Germany and Italy

    Women of the Reformation: In Germany and Italy

    In this first installment in celebrated historian Roland Bainton's Women of the Reformation trilogy, sixteen women who are usually lost behind familiar...



  • Three Treatises

    Three Treatises

    Martin Luther posted his Ninety-five Theses on the church door at Wittenberg in 1517. In the three years that followed, Luther clarified and defended his...

