Augsburg Fortress

Martin Luther and the Called Life

Martin Luther and the Called Life

One of the hallmarks of Luther’s theology was its concern for daily life. In the midst of debates about justification and salvation, church authority, and the Lord’s Supper, he bore a deep concern for daily Christian life.
In this refreshing book, Mark D. Tranvik looks at the importance of vocation in Luther’s own life and in doing so discovers renewed insights into this important doctrine.
Vocation, the called life, is a way of understanding that all of life is under the care and interest of God. All of our activities as a spouse, parent, child, worker, citizen, and church member are a part of a called life.
Tranvik begins the book with a clear exposition of Luther’s context, with a focus on how the reformer actually lived out his own calling. He rapidly moves into the contemporary sphere, drawing on twenty years of teaching and interaction with undergraduate students to outline how a renewed understanding of vocation is a powerful and liberating tool for life in the twenty-first century.
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  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781451490114
  • eBook ISBN 9781506410388
  • Age/Grade Range Adult
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 186
  • Publication Date April 1, 2016


“This book is a catechism on Christian vocation, using Luther’s life as an example, and Luther’s theology as a foundation. All Christians who want to live faithfully and gracefully, wherever they find themselves placed in the world, should read Martin Luther and the Called Life for both guidance and inspiration.”
Mark Schwehn
Valparaiso University 

“Those hungry for meaning and purpose will find in Mark D. Tranvik’s presentation of ‘calling,’ based not only on Martin Luther’s teachings but also his life, a robust and compelling view of vocation.  Tranvik shows that when free from guilt and fear, people are open to share their unique gifts for furthering human welfare within their communities.  Martin Luther and the Called Life is valuable not only for students, but for Christians in any walk of life.”
Mark Mattes
Grand View University

“For years, Mark D. Tranvik has been caught up in two conversations. The first is with college students making decisions about their callings—both occupational as well as those of family life and engagement in society and church. The second is with Martin Luther. Martin Luther and the Called Life brings together Luther’s understanding of the baptismally-grounded life within the callings God structures for daily practice of our humanity within the sometimes confusing and discouraging struggles people of all ages encounter in North American society today. Tranvik provides a practical, relevant vision of the life lived by people who trust in Christ and project his love into their worlds, translating Luther’s insights for our day and culture with perceptive insight and clarity.”
Robert Kolb
Emeritus, Concordia Seminary, Saint Louis