Music Sourcebook: All Saints through Transfiguration
This second Music Sourcebook greatly expands the repertoire of resources for the song of the assembly and its leaders from All Saints through Transfiguration including the Advent and Christmas seasons.
Difficulty: Medium-Difficult
Grace & Peace, Volume 8: Songs of Lament and Longing
This volume invites worshipers and performers to engage their imaginations in the walk from lament to hope in the company of the texts and tunes of some of our most beloved hymns.
Voicing: Piano
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
Use: Advent; General; Lent & Holy Week9781506413679
In Heaven Above: Piano Music for Funerals and Memorials
In Heaven Above is a collection of mostly hymn-based piano music particularly well suited to use in funerals and memorial services, but with many other uses...
Voicing: Piano
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
Use: Funeral9781451401912
Alleluia, Alleluia! Hearts to Heaven
A perfect Easter anthem for smaller choirs with solo trumpet.
Voicing: SAB/3-part mixed
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
Use: Easter$2.75
A Blue Cloud Abbey Christmas: Organ Book
Here is a wealth of 18 Christmas carols for the organ in accessible arrangements. Includes settings of beloved carols such as Silent Night, Joy to the World, and Hark the Herald Angels Sing.
Voicing: Organ
Difficulty: Medium
Use: Christmas$24.00
My Song Is Love Unknown
A cello obligato adds warmth and depth to a new setting by Benjamin Culli of this familiar text using the John Ireland tune, LOVE UNKOWN. The choir sings in unison with optional assembly for much of the anthem.
Voicing: SATB, Org
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
Use: Christ the King; Good Friday; Lent & Holy Week; Maundy Thursday; Passion/Palm Sunday$3.25
Postludes for Organ on Festive Tunes
This collection of four jubilant postludes for various seasons of the church year is useful year-round.
Voicing: Organ
Difficulty: Medium; Medium-Difficult
Use: Christmas; General; Pentecost9781506413631
Organ Plus, Volume 2: Hymn Preludes for Organ and Instruments
Seven practical and useful hymn arrangements for organ and one or two instruments now make it easier to integrate instrumentalists into worship. Tunes include: CWM RHONDDA, DU ÄR HELIG, KINGSFOLD, LASSET UNS MIT JESU ZIEHEN, PATMOS, and SCHÖNSTER HERR JESU.
Voicing: Instrument w/keyboard
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
Use: Advent; Communion; General; Lent & Holy Week; Transfiguration$26.00
Introductions and Alternate Accompaniments for Organ: Hymns 304-360, Volume 2
Includes select alternative accompaniments and introductions to Hymns 304-360 from Evangelical Lutheran Worship, the Time after Epiphany through Holy Week, Three Days section.
Voicing: Organ
Difficulty: Medium-Difficult9780800639150
The Loving God Who Made Us All
A wonderful example of easy music with great depth. Andrew Birling chose to set the strong English tune KINGSFOLD with his equally strong text speaking of...
Voicing: 2-part mixed
Difficulty: Easy
Use: General9780800677275
Festival Setting of Holy Communion (Setting 9)
Full score to the Festival Setting of Holy Communion, Setting Nine from Evangelical Lutheran Worship. Scored for assembly, SATB choir, brass quintet, timpani, and organ.
Difficulty: Medium-Difficult
Use: CommunionFrom$3.00
A Blue Cloud Abbey Organ Book for Lent
18 expressive and timeless pieces for organ especially for use in the Season of Lent.
Voicing: Organ
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
Use: Lent & Holy Week; Three Days$23.00
Psalm 22
A through-composed setting of this Psalm may be sung by unison choir, or a cantor. Psalm Settings for the Church Year choral scores are available here for...
Music For the Eucharist
Complete collection of service music settings for Holy Communion scored for unison voices and organ.
Voicing: U, Org
Difficulty: Medium
Use: Communion; GeneralITEM013996
The New Gloria Deo, Volume 2
This graceful and accessible new collection of choral pieces can be used throughout the year. The varied voicing offers works from 2-part to SATB with divisi...
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
How Beautiful the Messenger
Wayne Wold weaves a new text based on the well-loved passage from Isaiah 52:7. The tuneful melody floats between the upper and lower voices in this gentle anthem scored for SATB choir.
Voicing: SATB, Org
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
Use: Christmas; Graduation; Ordination$2.75
Lamb of God
F. Melius Christiansen's arrangement features a German chorale matched to a Lenten text. Simple, yet beautiful lines offer a piece that's easy to learn and a joy to hear.
Voicing: SATB/4-part mixed
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
Use: Lent & Holy WeekFrom$1.30
O Bread of Life from Heaven
David Ashley White's composition incorporates a 17th-century Latin hymn and has a plainsong feeling.
Voicing: 2-part mixed
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
Use: Communion; GeneralFrom$1.30
Introductions and Alternate Accompaniments for Organ: Complete Set
10 Volumes spanning 654 hymns. This set will provide you with engaging organ arrangements for each of the hymns from Evangelical Lutheran Worship. Ideal for assembly accompaniment...
Voicing: Organ
Difficulty: Medium-DifficultED014419
Woven Together, Volume 2
From one of our most popular composers of piano and instrumental music, Ms. Organ's settings are skillfully created. Perfect for flute or violin, also possible...
Voicing: Instrument w/keyboard
Difficulty: Medium-Difficult9780800677664
New Releases
New Choral Music
ChildrenSing Collections
Celebrate the church year with unison and 2-part anthems for young voices in a creative and economical format.
Music Selections for Black History Month
Vocal Solo
New Instrumental Music
Augsburg Organ Library
A multi-volume collection that reflects the twentieth century renewal of the organ and its music.
Evangelical Lutheran Worship Piano Accompaniments
These engaging piano arrangements are ideal for assembly accompaniment, and are a useful tool for any pianist who uses Evangelical Lutheran Worship.
Prelude Music Planner
Music planning made easy. Purchase and download music instantly, access Evangelical Lutheran Worship service music, and save with a 20% discount on Augsburg Fortress print music. We offer free webinars about Prelude Music Planner.
Evangelical Lutheran Worship Organ Accompaniments
These engaging organ arrangements are ideal for assembly accompaniment, and are a useful tool for any organist who uses Evangelical Lutheran Worship.
Seasonal Selections
Selected seasonal choral pieces chosen by Augsburg Fortress's music editors.
Sacred choral music for worship or concert settings.