Telugu Christians: A History
By confessing the Lordship of Christ, taking on Christian practices, and affiliating with the global church, Telugu Christianity is truly Christian. This volume analyzes the social life of Telugu Christians, local worldviews, and historical realities that shaped the evolution of Telugu faith.
Texts of Terror (40th Anniversary Edition): Literary-Feminist Readings of Biblical Narratives
In this seminal work of biblical scholarship, Phyllis Trible focuses on four variations on the theme of terror in the Bible as she reinterprets the stories of four women in ancient Israel. Trible shows how these neglected stories--interpreted in memoriam--challenge both the misogyny of Scripture and its use in church, synagogue, and academy.
Letters to a Young Theologian
In this volume, Van der Westhuizen has assembled an outstanding and diverse array of theologians who offer their wisdom and reflection on what it means to be a theologian. Each contributor's brief letter considering the vocation is as unique as its author. Together the letters form a rich symphony on the art and craft of being a theologian.
An Asian Introduction to the New Testament
As the Asian context is the cradle of many of the world's religions, the New Testament writings should be interpreted and reinterpreted by accepting their pluriform religious and ideological aspects. Moreover, the existence of multiple Christian denominations demands a doctrinally and conceptually balanced interpretation of the Scriptures. This book will demonstrate inclusive biblical claims within multireligious and multidenominational contexts.
Kwame Bediako: African Theology for a World Christianity
Ghanaian theologian Kwame Bediako presses all Christians to question their own theological commitments. He does so by rethinking Christian identity in light of cultural identity and the shortcomings of colonialism. Bediako's quest to be both African and Christian informs what it means to be Christian in a secularized Europe and North America.
Satan and the Problem of Evil: From the Bible to the Early Church Fathers
Accessibly written and comprehensive in scope, Satan and the Problem of Evil explores Satan's transformation from heavenly functionary to chief antagonist during the Second Temple and Early Church Periods and offers a definitive treatment of Satan's relationship to perennial questions of the problem of evil.
Ecospirituality: An Introduction
Ecospirituality comprehensively introduces and lays the foundation for further individual growth in the burgeoning field of ecospirituality. This book is not only a foundation-laying tool for educators, but also a concise, thorough way for students and other individuals to gain a comprehensive understanding of ecospirituality and why it matters.
The Myth of Christian Supremacy: Restoring Our Democratic Ideals
The Myth of Christian Supremacy is the culmination of a lifelong scholarly inquiry into Christian history, religion as a social institution, and the role of myth in the history of religions. Mack shows that Christianity has been an ever-changing mythological engine of social formation, from Roman times to its distinct American expression today.
Jewish-Christianity and the History of Judaism
In this book, Annette Yoshiko Reed reconsiders Jewish-Christianity in the context of late antiquity and in conversation with Jewish studies. She brings further attention to understudied texts and traditions from late antiquity that do not fit neatly into present-day notions of Christianity as distinct from Judaism.
Katie’s Canon: Womanism and the Soul of the Black Community, Expanded 25th Anniversary Edition
Over the years, Katie Cannon's students referred to her work in progress as "Katie's canon." Not only does this book represent the canon of Cannon's best work; the book itself directly addresses the issues of canon formation and canon reformation. Cannon canonizes a literary tradition and directly addresses both oppression and liberation of African American women. Now in an expanded 25th-anniversary edition, Katie's Canon still packs firepower.
Judges 1: A Commentary on Judges 1:1 – 10:5
This groundbreaking volume presents a new translation and detailed interpretation of the book of Judges, drawing on archaeology and iconography, textual versions, biblical parallels, and extrabiblical texts, as well as a thorough review of modern scholarship. Full literary and redactional analyses are included. Notably, archaeology is used to show how a story of the Iron II period employed visible ruins to narrate supposedly early events from the so-called "period of the Judges."
Embracing Diversity: Faith, Vocation, and the Promise of America
In this timely book, the authors challenge readers--especially readers in Christian communities--to step up to the promise of an America that works for the good of everyone.
Part of that challenge is recognizing where America has failed, and the authors do not step back from that challenge. But a tone of hope prevails throughout as a compelling case is made that America's better angels can motivate us to create a just society.
Invisible: Theology and the Experience of Asian American Women
In Invisible, Grace Ji-Sun Kim examines encounters with racism, sexism, and xenophobia as she works toward ending Asian American women's invisibility. Speaking with the weight of her personal narrative, she proclaims that the histories, experiences, and voices of Asian American women must be rescued from obscurity. Speaking with the weight of a theologian, she powerfully paves the way for a theology of visibility that honors the voice and identity of these women.
Athena to Barbie: Bodies, Archetypes, and Women's Search for Self
Athena to Barbie destabilizes a range of received social constructions of woman and expands the ways women conceive of themselves as female subjects. In the end, it inspires women's imagination about themselves, grounds that imagination in history by comparison, and empowers the lived lives of women. The book challenges the long-standing subordination of women and offers women fruitful, if still vexed, options to express female agency. It does all this in conversation with Christian tradition.
Journeys of Asian Diaspora: Mapping Originations and Destinations
This is a collection of essays by Asian-diaspora Christian scholars about their communities in different parts of the world. It paints a portrait of the widespread dispersion and establishment of distinctively Asian Christian communities in their places of settlement. The book makes a case about how migration of people has made Asian Christianity more global and how Asian-diaspora communities are playing a decisive role in transforming and advancing Christian faith in the twenty-first century.
The Liberation of Method: The Ethics of Emancipatory Biblical Interpretation
The field of biblical studies has championed the historical-critical method as the only way to guarantee objective interpretation. But in recent decades, scholars have pursued hermeneutical approaches that provide interpretations useful for marginalized communities who see the Bible as a resource in their struggles against oppression. Such liberative strategies remain on the margins. The Liberation of Method argues that this marginality must end, and that liberative methods should become central to biblical studies.
The End of College: Religion and the Transformation of Higher Education in the 20th Century
The End of College chronicles the transformation of religion's role in higher education in the US during the first half of the twentieth century. This period witnessed an end to the religious college and its decidedly religious ends. In its place, the American university ushered in religion departments and religious studies, which sought to make a more complete democracy.
The Perfect Being: Selections from the Classic Islamic Text
Translated for the first time from the original Persian into English, these selected treatises from the thirteenth-century work The Perfect Being provide a fascinating glimpse into Sufism. With a helpful introduction and explanatory notes, The Perfect Being is a valuable introduction to classic Islamic texts for spiritual seekers and students.
Paul on Identity: Theology as Politics
One of the most important and controversial questions in biblical studies is how Paul's view of the fundamental Christ identity relates to other possible identities in the Greco-Roman world--like being a Jew or a non-Jew, a man or a woman, a master or a slave. Paul on Identity explores these issues and, in particular, how Paul's view informs his writing. Engberg-Pedersen keeps an eye on what we may or may not accept from Paul and concludes by showing Paul's direct relevance to identity politics.
Just Traveling: God, Leaving Home, and a Spirituality for the Road
Just Traveling celebrates moving at the speed of being present to one's experiences, bridging distance and difference through acts of care. Following the scriptural witness of God as the Earthroamer, the book explores the liminal qualities of traveling through six movements: anticipating, leaving, surrendering, meeting, caring, and returning. Whether leaving home serves our wanderlust and curiosity or has personal or spiritual purposes, when we travel, we explore a beautiful, yet complex and troubled world.
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