Augsburg Fortress

Journeys of Asian Diaspora: Mapping Originations and Destinations

Journeys of Asian Diaspora: Mapping Originations and Destinations

Asians make up the largest and most dispersed people of the world, and Christians make up a sizable proportion of this demographic. Asian Christians are more likely to emigrate, and many have continued to embrace Christian faith at their diasporic places of settlement. They are quick to establish distinctively Asian churches all over the world and infuse diversity, revival, and missionary consciousness into their adopted communities. They preserve the ties and cultures of their ancestral homelands while assimilating and adapting into the new setting. They have become a recognizable force in the transformation and advancement of Christianity itself at the beginning of the twenty-first century.

The dozen essays in this volume are written by leading scholars of Asian backgrounds situated in various diasporic locations. The authors trace the contours of their dispersion and highlight diverse missiological themes, including the scattering (diaspora) and the gathering (ekklesia) of Asian Christians around the world.

This volume traces the origins and destinations of major Asian migration and diaspora communities from a variety of perspectives and geographical locations. It is pan-Asian in scope and multidisciplinary in nature. It also provides the latest data and infographics on Asian diasporas worldwide.

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  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781506472492
  • eBook ISBN 9781506472508
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 243
  • Publication Date October 19, 2021

Table of Contents

Series Introduction - Sam George

Introduction - Sam George

Christianity among Overseas Chinese in the UK - Alexander Chow (China/Scotland)

Country Profile: China

The Empire Strikes Back: Colonial Connections and Global Indian Dispersion - Sam George (India/USA)

Country Profile: India

Japanese Diaspora and Christian Mission - Gary Fujino (USA)

Country Profile: Japan

Koreans in Central and Latin America - Daniel Choe (Guatemala/South Korea)

Country Profile: South Korea

Vietnamese Diaspora Christianity - Thanh Trung Le (Vietnam/Canada)

Country Profile: Vietnam

Indonesian Diaspora and Christian Community - Christopher The and Alexander Purnomo (Australia)

Country Profile: Indonesia

The State of Hmong Diaspora and Hmong American Church - Daniel Yang (Laos/USA)

Country Profiles: Cambodia and Laos

Spiritual Longing and Religio-cultural Negotiation in the Indian Diaspora: Reflections from Indian Writing in English - Robbie B. H. Goh (Singapore)

Country Profile - Singapore

Nepali Refuge Diaspora in Lutheran Churches in St. Louis - Stanish Stanley (India/USA)

Country Profiles: Nepal

Iranian Diaspora in Europe (1917-2018) - Mark Bradley (UK)

Country Profiles: Iran

Diaspora Christians in the Islamic Gulf Region - John Ibrahim (India/Kuwait/UAE)

Country Profiles: Kuwait and UAE

Israeli Diaspora: Evangelism at Home and Abroad - Tuvya Zaretsky (Israel/USA)

Country Profile - Israel

Author Profile

Appendix: Latest Data, Maps and Infographics
