Evangelical Lutheran Worship Large Print Text Edition
Looseleaf pages deliver textual content of Evangelical Lutheran Worship in standard large-print type and formatting. Packaged in three shrink-wrapped sets of pages, binder-ready.
With One Voice, Pew Edition
Certain to enrich your worship, With One Voice has been receiving glowing praise since its publication in April of 1995. Developed for use by the ELCA and...
With One Voice, Enlarged Edition
Contains the same pages as in the pew edition, enlarged by 125% to 7-1/2 x 11". Larger format is easy to read. Musicians will also appreciate the bigger notes. Kivar cover, spiral bound.
Lutheran Book of Worship Pew Edition
Contains 569 hymns including 21 canticles, three musical settings for Holy Communion plus outline for a Chorale Service, Service of the Word, Propers,...
This Far By Faith: Enlarged Edition
This Far By Faith celebrates the abundant gifts of African American worship and song. It contains a rich liturgical section as well as a large body of old...
Libro de Liturgia y Cántico, Pew Edition: A Worship Book for Spanish-Speaking Lutherans
El libro de adoración es un recurso diseñado para servir a las comunidades luteranas de habla hispana. Contiene una sección litúrgica que...
LBW: Ministers Desk Edition
Contains the same materials as the Minister's Edition in a smaller size.
Choosing Contemporary Music: Seasonal, Topical, Lectionary Indexes
A one-volume reference work designed to aid worship planners in the selection of contemporary song. Organized by the three-year lectionary cycle, this book...
St. Martin's Psalter
Based on familiar hymns and tunes and with texts from Evangelical Lutheran Worship, this Psalter is accessible for both the choir and congregation. Thomas Pavlechko has...
This Far By Faith, Liturgies Audio CD
Complete recordings of the two musical settings for Holy Communion, along with additional psalms and songs, from This Far By Faith: An African American Resource for Worship that celebrates the abundant gifts of African American worship and song.
Ritos Ocasionales: Lutheran Book of Worship, Occasional Services-Spanish
Este es un libro para el uso del clero y del laicado que asiste en las funciones litúrgicas de la iglesia. La mayoría de los ritos son una...
Chinese Lutheran Book of Worship, with CD-ROM
This volume includes orders of services for Holy Communion, Holy Baptism and related rites, Marriage, Funeral, additional prayers, and other resources developed...
Libro de Liturgia y Cántico, Leaders Edition: A Worship Book for Spanish-Speaking Lutherans
Este volumen impreso en letra grande es perfecto para el uso de líderes de líturgia, músicos, personas con limitaciones visuales, o para uso en el hogar....
Libro de Liturgia y Cántico: Himnos y Cánticos Audio CD: Grabación Educativa / Teaching Recording
Incluye 110 himnos y cánticos de una variedad de estilos musicales del Caribe y América Latina. Includes 110 hymns and songs from a variety of Caribbean and Latin American musical styles.
All Creation Sings Braille Edition: Assembly Song
This edition presents the words of All Creation Sings #901–1100 (Assembly Song) on braille-embossed pages.
Holy Communion
An alternative setting of Holy Communion from Lutheran Book of Worship by Garry Cornell (1981).
Voicing: U, Pno
Difficulty: Easy
Use: Communion; GeneralFrom$10.00
Libro de Liturgia y Cántico
This Far by Faith
Lutheran Book of Worship
With One Voice
Prayer Around the Cross
Enrich your worship service with the timeless beauty and quiet dignity of Holden Village's Prayer Around the Cross.