That Boy-Child of Mary
An arrangement of a traditional Malawi carol for Advent or Christmas. While scored for SATB and piano, this is a very practical edition for smaller ensembles with an optional assembly part.
Voicing: SATB, Pno
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
Use: Advent; Christmas9781451489880
Keep Your Lamps Trimmed and Burning
An all-around winner, your singers will love this! John Helgen knows how to write for the child's voice and keyboard.
Voicing: Children's choir; Unison
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
Use: Advent9780800677497
Advent Prayer
Scored for two-part mixed choir and keyboard and based on the hymn Veni Emmanuel, Hal Hopson wrote this piece as a companion to his popular A Lenten Walk. Also available as a digital download.
Voicing: 2-part mixed
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
Use: Advent$2.50
The Lord Shall Come and Not Be Slow
This simple, lyric gem for a cappella choir creates an atmosphere of quiet beauty. With a thoughtful, rich text, this work encourages the listener to prepare for the coming of the Lord. SATB
Voicing: A cappella; SATB/4-part mixed
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
Use: Advent9781451402520
I Am the Light
This version of a classic treble choir anthem has updated, inclusive language and a secondary part for male voices.
Voicing: 2-part mixed; Piano
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
Use: Advent; Epiphany; General9781451498844
Ruth Elaine Schram has written a setting of the Magnificat that brings to life this beautiful text for children and young singers, as well as an adult 2-part...
Voicing: 2-part mixed; Children's choir; Keyboard
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
Use: Advent; General9780800676681
Light One Candle to Watch for Messiah
Listen and you will be charmed by its haunting simplicity and the possibilities for its uses in worship!
Voicing: SATB/4-part mixed
Difficulty: Medium-Difficult
Use: Advent; Easter9780800657512
Advent Hymn
Written in an elegant, yet simple style, this short motet is effective for use in worship, Advent carol services, or concerts.
Voicing: SATB/4-part mixed
Difficulty: Medium-Difficult
Use: Advent9780800656621
Wake, Awake
Rich chords permeate this classic arrangement of an Advent text. Solemn invocations break into a flurry of "hallelujah"s and a final declaration of praise.
Voicing: SATB/4-part mixed
Difficulty: Medium-Difficult
Use: Advent9780800645069
Rejoice, Rejoice
An energetic piece for Advent. With driving rhythms and exceptional two-part writing, this is sure to become a favorite with your choir. Voicing: Two-part mixed, pno
Voicing: 2-part mixed
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
Use: Advent9780800678555
Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus
A new tune for a beloved text, this piece offers easy two-part mixed writing. Harmonic variety in the piano accompaniment and contrasting vocal sections skillfully carry this well-known Advent text.
Voicing: 2-part mixed
Difficulty: Easy
Use: Advent9780800679491
My Soul Proclaims Your Greatness
Anne Krentz Organ has written a lilting and lyrical musical setting of this Magnificat paraphrase, perfect for Advent 4 or Lessons and Carols services.
Voicing: Piano; SATB/4-part mixed
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
Use: Advent; ChristmasFrom$3.00
The King Shall Come
Thomas Keesecker has written an original melody for this well-known Advent hymn and a piano part that supports and enriches the choir's singing.
Voicing: Piano; SAB/3-part mixed
Difficulty: Easy
Use: Advent9781506447520
When He Comes On That Day
Here is a work that is sure to inspire and delight! With a text that is a great fit for Christ the King or Advent, this a cappella arrangement...
Voicing: A cappella
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
Use: Advent; Christ the King9781451424089
Great Day!
Especially appropriate for Advent, Hal Hopson's upbeat setting of this famous African-American spiritual includes optional part for clarinet or trumpet. Expert...
Voicing: SATB/4-part mixed
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
Use: Advent; General9780800679378
We Are Waiting
Use this as a call to worship or introit throughout the four weeks of Advent. Incorporating ''Oh, Come, Oh, Come, Emmanuel,'' it is a hauntingly beautiful and...
Voicing: SATB/4-part mixed
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
Use: Advent9780800676643
Joy to the World
The joy of the season is highlighted in Jonathan Campbell’s exciting new setting of “Joy to the World” for the Advent season.
Voicing: SATB
Difficulty: Medium
Use: Advent; ChristmasFrom$1.75
Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers: Hymn Orchestration
John Ferguson’s orchestrated hymn accompaniment, as heard at the St. Olaf Christmas Festival.
Voicing: SATB
Difficulty: Easy
Use: AdventITEM014023
Our Wistful Song: Sweet Coming for Which We Long
This work is an absolute gem. The text by Susan Palo Cherwien speaks of the "sweet coming for which we long." Composer Brad Ellingboe writes this...
Voicing: SATB/4-part mixed
Difficulty: Medium
Use: Advent9780800623869
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