The Fragility of Language and the Encounter with God: On the Contingency and Legitimacy of Doctrine
The Fragility of Language and the Encounter with God offers a theological account of the contingency of language and perception and of how acknowledging that contingency transforms the question of the development of doctrine. Klug argues that statements of faith cannot overcome contingency. Instead, the Catholic notion of receptive tradition is an attempt to cope rationally with the fragility of perception and language in humanity's orientation toward God.
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Managing with Integrity: An Ethical Investigation into the Relationship between Personal and Corporate Integrity
Managing with Integrity challenges the readers to explore different perspectives on and conceptions of corporate ethics. It is an ethical guide for managers, employees, politicians, clergy, candidates for priesthood, and business students, equipping them to eradicate corporate unethical conduct from all spheres of life.
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Jürgen Moltmann: Collected Readings
Jürgen Moltmann's life and work have marked the history of theology after the Second World War in Europe and North America like no other.
Mystics, Visionaries, and Prophets: A Historical Anthology of Women's Spiritual Writings
Winner of Catholic Press Association Book-of-the-Year Award—Spirituality
Unique in its range and depth, this lavish anthology for the first time...9780800634209
Islam: An Introduction for Christians
These and many other questions are answered in this informative introduction to Islam. Christians of all denominations will find reliable and up-to-date...
Reviving Old Scratch: Demons and the Devil for Doubters and the Disenchanted
The devil has fallen on hard times. Surveys say that even the majority of Christians doubt his existence. And burdened by doubts skeptical believers find themselves divorced from Jesus’ dramatic confrontation with Satan in the Gospels and the struggle that galvanized the witness of the early church. Reviving Old Scratch reintroduces the devil to the modern church with a biblical, bold and urgent vision of spiritual warfare where we resist the devil by joining the Kingdom of God’s subversive campaign to interrupt the world with love.
Enfleshing Freedom: Body, Race, and Being, Second Edition
M. Shawn Copeland demonstrates how Black women's historical experience casts a different light on our theological ideas about being human. This new edition incorporates recent theological, historical, and political scholarship; engages with current social movements like #BlackLivesMatter and #MeToo; and presents a new chapter on the body.
bell hooks' Spiritual Vision: Buddhist, Christian, and Feminist
Widely heralded as a leading feminist scholar, bell hooks also identified as a Buddhist Christian who believed that love was the antidote to oppression. In bell hooks' Spiritual Vision, Nadra Nittle traces the spirituality in hooks' writings. The book shows hooks as a feminist and a believer who knit together her political and spiritual practices.
The Habit of Poetry: The Literary Lives of Nuns in Mid-century America
The Habit of Poetry brings together the work of mid-20th century American nuns to reveal a notable Catholic literary renaissance of women religious poets. It is a case study of how women negotiate tradition and individual creativity.
The Prophetic Lens: The Camera and Black Moral Agency from MLK to Darnella Frazier
The Prophetic Lens takes an important look at the use of the video camera as an indispensable prophetic tool for the security of Black lives and greater possibility for racial justice. The book highlights both the prophetic potential of the camera and the context of Blackness as a liminal existence amid a context dominated by whiteness.
Deuteronomy for the Church: Who We Are, What God Requires
Deuteronomy's core theology expressed in the Shema forms the structure of the book: What does it mean to "hear"? Who is "all Israel"? How does the identity of the one Lord shape ethics? The competence to be God's people, to know God, and to do God's will comes only through hearing the transforming Word of God in Scripture.
The Way of Abundance: Economic Justice in Scripture and Society
In The Way of Abundance, economist and minister Edith Rasell examines the Old and New Testament teachings on economic justice through the evolution of ancient economic orders and systems. While scriptural instructions address economies in the past, Rasell identifies consistent, recurring principles to construct a vision for a just economy today.
Unmasking the African Ghost: Theology, Politics, and the Nightmare of Failed States
Africa is continuously redefining itself in the face of Eurocentrism, misery, and oppression. Unmasking the African Ghost is a theological exploration of why the political and economic systems of so many African countries have failed and a proposal for paths toward renewing the social order.
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Digital Communion: Marshall McLuhan's Spiritual Vision for a Virtual Age
Digital Communion explores the religious history of mass communication, focusing on Marshall McLuhan's vision of the electronic world as a place of potential spiritual exchange. McLuhan's Catholicism deeply informed his theory, which in turn reveals how we can cultivate a more spiritual vision of the internet.
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J. H. Oldham and George Bell: Ecumenical Pioneers
An introduction to two British shapers of ecumenical thought in the twentieth century, J. H. Oldham and Bishop George Bell. Oldham pioneered new thinking on social, racial, and international issues, while Bell used his stature to give voice in support of the oppressed in Nazi Germany. Both aided in the formation of the World Council of Churches.
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N: My Encounter with Racism and the Forbidden Word in an American Classic
This book is about a Black man's experience of reading Mark Twain's classic Adventures of Huckleberry Finn for the first time while in graduate school. It captures the author's emotional struggle with Twain's use of the racial epithet more than two hundred times in the text. In these pages, Harris challenges his instructor and classmates and inspires readers to redress the long history of American racism and white supremacy bound up with the N word.
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Exploring Islam: Theology and Spiritual Practice in America
Exploring Islam is a comprehensive yet accessible introduction to the foundations of the Islamic faith, including its history, theology, and spiritual practice. The book also deals with issues such as jihad, the status of women, and the various sectarian divisions in Islam. Most distinctive about this work is its analysis of the lived experience of Muslims in modern American life. Sayilgan offers readers a perspective that is scholarly, judicious, and engaging.
There Is No God and Mary Is His Mother: Rediscovering Religionless Christianity
In this personal, witty, and timely book, New York Times bestselling author Thomas Cathcart takes readers on a journey into belief and unbelief and leads them through to "religionless Christianity." He shows that, even absent traditional theological formulas and doctrines, Christianity can be credible, meaningful, and practical.
Surviving the Bible: A Devotional for the Church Year 2020
Using the annual lectionary as his guide, Christian Piatt has developed a devotional that allows us to read through major parts of the Old and New Testaments. Every week has four Scripture readings, glossary terms, deeper thoughts, and a closing prayer. Start anywhere. Set it down and come back to it. Use it as an in-depth study guide or a daily devotional. There's no "wrong way" to use Surviving the Bible.
The Homebrewed Christianity Guide to the Holy Spirit: Hand-Raisers, Han, and the Holy Ghost
It is time for the Holy Spirit to get its own street cred! There shall be no more third-wheeling the ever-present, life-sustaining, and empowering member...
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