Daughters of Miriam: Women Prophets in Ancient Israel
There are untold numbers of female prophets hiding in the masculine grammar and androcentric focus of the Hebrew scriptures. There are women-prophets in the...
Ancient Echoes: Refusing the Fear-Filled, Greed-Driven Toxicity of the Far Right
In Ancient Echoes, Walter Brueggemann responds to eight "truth claims" made by the radical right in US politics. In each instance, ancient biblical faith grounds the critical response to those mistaken "truth claims." The echoes of biblical faith reveal that the right wing "truth claims" contradict reality and the legacy of the biblical tradition.
Miracle in Isaiah: Divine Marvel and Prophetic World
Isaiah is a miracle. Divine wonder can be found in its testimonies to God's communication with people, in reminders of God's acts long ago, in reports of God's acts of rescue of his people, in God's promised acts of restoration in the future, and in God's extraordinary acts toward other peoples. The extraordinary binds the prophecy together.
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Jürgen Moltmann: Collected Readings
Jürgen Moltmann's life and work have marked the history of theology after the Second World War in Europe and North America like no other.
The Everyday Advocate: Living Out Your Calling to Social Justice
In The Everyday Advocate, Ross Murray encourages Christians to discern their call to advocate for justice and shows them how to respond faithfully by taking practical steps in everyday life. He also shows faith leaders how to help people think through their calling to advocacy and connect with communities that can use their passions and talents.
Visionary Women: Three Medieval Mystics
The influential feminist theologian Rosemary Ruether glimpses into the souls of three medieval mystics: Hildegard of Bingen, Mechthild of Magdeburg, and Julian of Norwich. Ruether's sympathetic overview evokes the new religious horizons they envisioned for Christianity.
The Cross in Our Context: Jesus and the Suffering World
In this small gem of theological reflection, North America's foremost "theologian of the cross" offers a profound and compelling contemplation on the...
Saving Faith: How American Christianity Can Reclaim Its Prophetic Voice
Few Americans would deny that Christianity in America is in crisis, its credibility diminished by everything from sex scandals to close identification with extremist politics. Saving Faith examines this crisis and argues that recovering a prophetic voice entails learning from history and listening to Jesus.
Refugia Faith: Seeking Hidden Shelters, Ordinary Wonders, and the Healing of the Earth
In Refugia Faith, Debra Rienstra explores nature's refugia--places where life endures in a crisis--and applies this model to faith. Drawing from theology, nature writing, and science, she examines how Christian spirituality and practice must adapt for a climate-altered planet.
Stony the Road We Trod: African American Biblical Interpretation. Thirtieth Anniversary Expanded Edition
A hallmark of American Black religion is its distinctive use of the Bible in creating community, resisting oppression, and fomenting social change. Stony the Road We Trod accomplishes this--and much more. This expanded edition contains a new introduction and three new essays that underscore the historic importance of this book for a new generation.
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Shelter Theology: The Religious Lives of People without Homes
Shelter Theology offers insight into the worlds of the invisible: individuals experiencing homelessness and those living in extreme poverty. Based on over ten years of chaplaincy in a homeless shelter, Dunlap shares the nuanced theology of people in harsh circumstances and outlines how their beliefs and practices enable survival and resistance.
The Four Gospels on Sunday: The New Testament and the Reform of Christian Worship
Premier liturgical theologian Gordon Lathrop argues that far too often liturgy, preaching, and liturgical theology are informed by naïve and outdated exegesis. In another fully original...
Islam: An Introduction for Christians
These and many other questions are answered in this informative introduction to Islam. Christians of all denominations will find reliable and up-to-date...
Black Lives Matter to Jesus: The Salvation of Black Life and All Life in Luke and Acts
Black-skinned people were and are included in the family of God, demonstrating that all colors in the family of God have dignity. This view bolsters a Christian anti-racist agenda. This work attempts to undermine Christian racism that has deemed Black skin inherently problematic, showing that the destruction of racism is at the heart of the gospel of Jesus.
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When Prophets Preach: Leadership and the Politics of the Pulpit
In When Prophets Preach, Jay Augustine urges preachers to speak openly against social injustice and to be prophetic leaders. By breaking the pulpit silence, he argues, the church can bridge social and ethnic gaps among its members and show society at large how to heal divisions in our world.
Limping But Blessed: Wrestling with God after the Death of a Child
After the unexpected, accidental death of his three-year-old son, Jason Jones went on a long, painful journey to make sense of how God could have...
Stars Beneath Us: Finding God in the Evolving Cosmos
Relying on his upbringing as a Baptist, his doctoral work in experimental nuclear physics and gamma-ray astronomy, and his ordination to the gospel ministry, Paul Wallace weaves a book unlike any other in faith-and-science literature.
The Green Psalter: Resources for an Ecological Spirituality
Concern for the earth and biblical faith have had an uneasy relationship: ecological theologians have often cited biblical themes of dominion or...
The Horrors We Bless: Rethinking the Just-War Legacy
Is war inevitable? Is it so woven into the fabric of our being that it always was and always will be? "Early Christians," says Maguire, "were...
The Role of Justification in Contemporary Theology
In this significant book Mark C. Mattes critically evaluates the role of justification in the theologies of five leading Protestant thinkers—Eberhard Jungel, Wolfhart Pannenberg, Jurgen Moltmann, Robert W. Jenson, and Oswald Bayer -- pointing out their respective strengths and weaknesses and showing how each matches up with Luther's own views. Offering both an excellent review of recent trends in Christian theology and a powerful analysis of these trends, Mattes points readers to the various ways in which the doctrine of justification has been applied today.
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