Godly Play: An Imaginative Approach to Religious Education
A practical yet innovative approach to religious education -- becoming childlike in order to teach children. Godly Play invites us to consider spiritual...
The Art of Leading Change: Ten Perspectives on the Messiness of Ministry
The Art of Leading Change is all about people. We can't do the work God has called us to do without people, but it's those very people that make change difficult and messy. The book offers ten vital perspectives for leading change in churches and ministries. The path to change is never easy, but learning the art of change can improve the journey.
The Storied Church: A Strategy for Congregational Renewal
The Storied Church focuses on story-centered church renewal and is born of a suspicion that the restorative, transformative, life-giving function that stories have for us as individuals may serve communities of faithful people as well. If stories help us survive as human creatures, why can't they help churches survive? This book is a tool to empower pastors and lay leaders to effect revitalizing change in their faith communities. Each chapter includes questions for reflection.
Liberating Youth from Adolescence
Liberating youth through theological reflection on vocation Jeremy Paul Myers, a seasoned expert in youth and family ministry, calls the church to challenge the dominant...
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Introduction to Christian Liturgy
Designed as a general introduction to Christian liturgy, this book explores the meaning, history, and practice of worship in Eastern and Western, Catholic and Protestant traditions...
Called: Recovering Lutheran Principles for Ministry and Vocation
Called: Recovering Lutheran Principles for Ministry and Vocation traces Lutherans' views on ministerial call and constructively reorients the call to Luther's doctrine of vocation. The book provides insights to those considering the office of ministry and encourages all believers to live their spiritual priesthood in response to neighbors' needs.
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Preaching Jeremiah: Announcing God's Restorative Passion
In this book, Walter Brueggemann conducts in an experiment in homiletics. He wants us to wrestle with the question: What if we allow the canonical shape of the book of Jeremiah to instruct us concerning the shape and trajectory of the sermon? The preaching task requires honesty about what God requires and a clear proclamation of what God has done and will yet do.
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Ashes to Action: Finding Myself at the Intersection of the Minneapolis Uprising
In Ashes to Action, Shari Seifert provides her riveting first-person account of the events following May 25, 2020. Shari joined others in the Calvary Lutheran Church community to show up, listen, and ask what was needed in the moment.
Storycraft: The Art of Spiritual Narrative
In Storycraft: The Art of Spiritual Narrative, celebrated author Walter Wangerin Jr. illustrates the power of well-told stories and shows how important embracing story is as an essential tool for preaching and teaching the gospel. The book offers a theology of story that is profoundly incarnational as the Word takes on flesh in practiced speech.
The Season of Creation: A Preaching Commentary
As the global climate crisis worsens, many churches have sought to respond by instituting a movement to observe a liturgical season of creation. Scholars who...
Reclaiming the ''L'' Word: Renewing the Church from Its Lutheran Core
Reclaiming the "L" Word is a book about renewing congregations by recognizing and living out the core teachings of the Lutheran faith. In the introduction, the...
A Field Guide for the Missional Congregation: Embarking on a Journey of Transformation
The roster of books on leadership is full of high theory and grand expositions of biblical principles. But there is precious little practical advice for regular...
Where God Meets Man, 50th Anniversary Edition: Luther's Down-to-Earth Approach to the Gospel
The fundamental theme of this book is the "down-to-earth" character of Luther's theology in the hope that it will help individual Christians today to be both faithful to God and true to their human and social responsibilities. This 50th Anniversary Edition includes a preface by Marianna Forde and a new study guide by Bradley C. Jenson, created to encourage new readings and conversations about Forde's influential take on Luther, theology, and the church.
Cultural Architecture: A Path to Creating Vitalized Congregations
Cultural Architecture: A Path to Creating Vitalized Congregations serves to assist pastors and leaders as they guide their congregations through the painstaking and intensive process of redevelopment. It provides hands-on tools to guide congregational leaders in creating vision, core values, and strategic plans. Although Hill's approach is grounded in his experiences within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, his systems for cultural architecture can be applied to congregations of any denomination.
Faithful Conversation: Christian Perspectives on Homosexuality
Bitter battles over the churches' stance toward its gay and lesbian members have tested the churches' fundamental orientation and even threatened to split...
The Caring Church: A Guide for Lay Pastoral Care
The principles outlined here help laypersons develop or refine the skills needed for a ministry of healing, sustaining, guiding, and reconciling. Specific...
God's People Made New: How Exploring the Bible Together Launched a Church's Spirit-Filled Future
God's People Made New reveals the role of God's Word in forming a congregation. Through the voices of congregants, biblical texts, theological reflection, and tools for studying the Bible, Rachael J. Powell inspires congregations to enter into the power of Scripture.
Pastoral Visitation
Clergy, students of pastoral care, and lay visitation volunteers will find Nancy Gorsuch an effective guide in developing an intentional, proactive program...
Refugia Faith: Seeking Hidden Shelters, Ordinary Wonders, and the Healing of the Earth
In Refugia Faith, Debra Rienstra explores nature's refugia--places where life endures in a crisis--and applies this model to faith. Drawing from theology, nature writing, and science, she examines how Christian spirituality and practice must adapt for a climate-altered planet.
Pastoral Imagination: Bringing the Practice of Ministry to Life
Pastoral Imagination: Bringing the Practice of Ministry to Life informs and inspires the practice of ministry through "on the ground" learning experienced in a variety of ministry settings. Each of the fifty chapters explores a single concept through story, reflection, and provocative open-ended questions designed to spark conversation between ministers and mentors, among ministry peers, or for personal journal reflections. The book is closely integrated with the author's Three Minute Ministry Mentor web resource.
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