Augsburg Fortress

Products (286)
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  • Preaching to the Choir: The Care and Nurture of the Church Choir, Second Edition

    Preaching to the Choir: The Care and Nurture of the Church Choir, Second Edition

    Preaching to the Choir imparts practical and pastoral wisdom to church musicians in their vocation as choir directors. This updated second edition attends to recent challenges choir directors have encountered and provides guidance as they look to the future, always with a sense of the Spirit’s presence, a deep care for those who sing, and a warm sense of humor.



  • Cultural Architecture: A Path to Creating Vitalized Congregations

    Cultural Architecture: A Path to Creating Vitalized Congregations

    Cultural Architecture: A Path to Creating Vitalized Congregations serves to assist pastors and leaders as they guide their congregations through the painstaking and intensive process of redevelopment. It provides hands-on tools to guide congregational leaders in creating vision, core values, and strategic plans. Although Hill's approach is grounded in his experiences within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, his systems for cultural architecture can be applied to congregations of any denomination.



  • The Bush Still Burns: How Spirituality and Organizing Transformed a Pastor and Congregation

    The Bush Still Burns: How Spirituality and Organizing Transformed a Pastor and Congregation

    In this compelling and practical volume, Terry Allen Moe describes how he and the congregation he served turned to the burning bush of deepened spirituality, coupled with hard-nosed organizing, to transform a community of faith and impact the local neighborhood in Portland, Oregon. It's timely inspiration for congregations struggling to find their way out of decline and the immobilization caused by fear and lack of creative leadership.



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  • Power Surge: Six Marks of Discipleship for a Changing Church

    Power Surge: Six Marks of Discipleship for a Changing Church

    A powerful plan to transform church members into impassioned disciples. Drawing on his experience at Prince of Peace, Foss makes the case for transforming...



  • Language for God: A Lutheran Perspective

    Language for God: A Lutheran Perspective

    Language for God explores the ways language and images influence who we are and how we live. It declares the necessity of language and images for God that are expansive and inclusive of all genders. Lutheran perspectives are used as a compass to offer scriptural, theological, and historical insights to advance the reformation of Christian language.



  • Resurrecting Church: Where Justice and Diversity Meet Radical Welcome and Healing Hope

    Resurrecting Church: Where Justice and Diversity Meet Radical Welcome and Healing Hope

    Resurrecting Church interweaves three stories, beginning with the remarkable turnaround story of Caldwell Presbyterian Church, which was on the edge of extinction when author John Cleghorn became its pastor. Cleghorn also tells the story of his own growth and liberation from the myopia of privilege. Also included are stories of several diverse congregations that have taken risks, deepening empathy and seeking justice. The book updates the conversation about church vitality in timely and surprising ways.



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  • The Student Bible Atlas

    The Student Bible Atlas

    For over twenty-five years, The Student Bible Atlas has been a trusted companion for Bible students of all ages and interests. Clear, concise, colorful, and priced for any budget, there are nearly 100,000 copies in print!



  • Holy Spirit: Creative Power in Our Lives

    Holy Spirit: Creative Power in Our Lives

    Includes Free Downloads
    Who is the Holy Spirit? How does the Spirit work in our lives as individuals, families, communities, and in the world at large? What would happen if we claimed...



  • The Caring Church: A Guide for Lay Pastoral Care

    The Caring Church: A Guide for Lay Pastoral Care

    The principles outlined here help laypersons develop or refine the skills needed for a ministry of healing, sustaining, guiding, and reconciling. Specific...



  • Reclaiming the ''L'' Word: Renewing the Church from Its Lutheran Core

    Reclaiming the ''L'' Word: Renewing the Church from Its Lutheran Core

    Reclaiming the "L" Word is a book about renewing congregations by recognizing and living out the core teachings of the Lutheran faith. In the introduction, the...



  • The Assembly: A Spirituality

    The Assembly: A Spirituality

    Gathering with others constitutes the essential symbol of Christianity. Assembly is the biblical name for this local community. The book calls the church to think anew about gathering and to refresh its practice, articulating a spirituality that engages the assembly's gathering into the triune God and turns it toward the needs of our neighbors.



  • Embodied Liturgy: Lessons in Christian Ritual

    Embodied Liturgy: Lessons in Christian Ritual

    Embodied Liturgy marks a “return to the body” in thinking about Christian liturgy and sacramental practice. With the body as a primary focus, the volume explores the crucial content of liturgical theology, examining the offices of prayer, the church’s liturgical calendar, sacraments and sacramental theology, word and sacramental liturgy, ritual studies, music and art, and cultural issues.



  • Elders Rising: The Promise and Peril of Aging

    Elders Rising: The Promise and Peril of Aging

    Riding the age wave with grace In this inspiring book, Roland D. Martinson draws on the folk wisdom and experience of over fifty persons between...



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  • Called by God to Serve: Reflections for Church Leaders

    Called by God to Serve: Reflections for Church Leaders

    Church councils and leadership groups will discover ten helpful devotional reflections and discussion starters for a three-year cycle, focusing on the task of...



  • Preaching at the Crossroads: How the World—and Our Preaching—Is Changing

    Preaching at the Crossroads: How the World—and Our Preaching—Is Changing

    David Lose takes preachers on a tour of the major cultural influences of the last century, exploring how they offer opportunities to cultivate a more relevant faith in the twenty-first century.



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  • Reclaiming the ''C'' Word: Daring to Be Church Again

    Reclaiming the ''C'' Word: Daring to Be Church Again

    God is up to something! God is on a mission to save and bless the world, and God calls the church to be part of this mission. That means getting focused,...



  • Aging and Loving: Christian Faith and Sexuality in Later Life

    Aging and Loving: Christian Faith and Sexuality in Later Life

    In Aging and Loving: Christian Faith and Sexuality in Later Life, James Childs addresses the social, ethical, physical, and spiritual issues related to sexuality and aging. The book is written for various professionals who minister to the aged (pastors, chaplains, other care providers), for the aging and aged themselves, and for their families. The book provides an ethical account of Christian love that liberates as it engages the special issues of sexuality in later life.



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  • A Future without Walls: Confronting Our Divisions

    A Future without Walls: Confronting Our Divisions

    A Future without Walls offers a comprehensive and complex analysis of Othering, while unveiling the connections between our divisions and the roots, forms, and consequences of the walls that have been erected. The dividing walls are more than a problem calling for a quick fix. They are embedded in both our history and our current culture and demand fundamental transformation. The book offers concrete steps forward to help us dismantle these walls.



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  • A Gospel for All Ages: Teaching and Preaching with the Whole Church

    A Gospel for All Ages: Teaching and Preaching with the Whole Church

    A Gospel for All Ages helps ministry practitioners craft messages to foster faith in people of all ages. It explores several strategies for proclaiming the gospel among intergenerational faith communities, including meaningful conversation, vibrant worship, and experiential education. Reflection questions and practical advice from experts included.



  • The Peoples’ Sermon: Preaching as a Ministry of the Whole Congregation

    The Peoples’ Sermon: Preaching as a Ministry of the Whole Congregation

    In The People's Sermon, Shauna K. Hannan argues that preaching is not a solo endeavor. It is a communal practice, a ministry of the whole congregation that is most faithful when the process is shared. She invites readers to reflect on what preaching is and to explore roles in the congregation's preaching ministry. Further, she guides readers and their communities through a process that will equip hearers for their roles in the preaching ministry.




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