Leading Worship Matters: A Sourcebook for Preparing Worship Leaders
A comprehensive guide with practical, succinct, easy-to-use tools and resources to support, plan, execute, and evaluate lay worship leadership development.
In These or Similar Words: Crafting Language for Worship
This resource will guide individuals and groups who wish to prepare new worship texts for their communities.
Worship Matters: An Introduction to Worship Participant Book
The participant book provides all the content a participant needs for each session, and serves as an excellent reference after the course is complete.
Worship Matters: An Introduction to Worship Leader Guide
This five-session introductory course has been developed to help participants grow into a richer understanding of the foundations of Lutheran worship.
In Sure and Certain Hope: A Funeral Sourcebook
A comprehensive guide for planning, presiding, and preaching at funerals, with customizable rites, liturgies, an adult forum series outline, and tools to help individuals plan their own funerals. CD-ROM included.
Remembering God's Promises: A Funeral Planning Handbook
Remembering God’s Promises offers notes and commentary on the funeral service in Evangelical Lutheran Worship, lists of suggested scripture readings and hymns, and information on other planning options.
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Worship Matters Sourcebooks
6 Products