Bonhoeffer: A Brief Overview of the Life and Writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Dietrich Bonhoeffer's life spanned four decades of the early twentieth century and was shaped within the crucible of two European wars and an economic depression. His life cannot be simply summarized as only one of trauma and tragedy. His was also a life filled with great blessing, even when requiring great courage and incredible sacrifice. The authenticity of Bonhoeffer's Christian faith and the integrity of his theology continues to inspire people.
40-Day Journey with Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The 40-Day Journey with Dietrich Bonhoeffer introduces Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a well- known and courageous German theologian and Lutheran pastor, who during the...
God with Us: A Manna and Mercy Christmas Board Book
This colorful and inviting board book introduces young children to the story of Christmas.
A History of Lutheranism: Second Edition
Eric Gritsch's unique and ambitious work, the first-ever attempt at a history of global Lutheranism, is now in a new edition. In a clear, nontechnical way,...
Little Prayers for Everyday Life
An illustrated prayer book with prayers for the ordinary and extraordinary moments in a child's life.
Pray to God: A Book about Prayer
We can pray to God anywhere, any time, in any way, and about anything!
Day by Day We Magnify You: Daily Readings for the Entire Year, Revised Edition
This religious classic is here made available in a revised and updated paperback edition. A unique devotional for daily meditation, it dwells on the great...
God's Wonderful World: A Book about the Five Senses
God's world is full of amazing things. Good thing God gave use five senses to experience it with!
Welcome Water: The Sacrament of Baptism for Parents, Sponsors, Children, and Others
What is Holy Baptism? What is a sacrament? How can I prepare myself or my child to participate joyfully in this congregational event? This practical booklet,...
Critical Faith: What It Is, What It Isn't, and Why It Matters
Critical Faith insists that critical race theory is a tool to grapple with the thorny issue of race in both society and the church. Schwartz-Chaney argues that CRT can help Christians can move past mischaracterizations and caricatures toward a more nuanced view of race, racism, and the tools available to make progress in the church and in society.
Preaching at the Crossroads: How the World—and Our Preaching—Is Changing
David Lose takes preachers on a tour of the major cultural influences of the last century, exploring how they offer opportunities to cultivate a more relevant faith in the twenty-first century.
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Remind Me Again: Poems and Practices for Remembering Who We Are
Poetry can offer reminders for ourselves, each other, and the world. Poet, artist, and educator Joe Davis has written Remind Me Again: Poems and Practices for Remembering Who We Are, a collection of 41 poems that will inspire, challenge, and affirm readers from all stages of life.
Minister's Prayer Book: An Order of Prayers and Readings, Revised Edition
Since it first appeared in print in 1959, John Doberstein's Minister's Prayer Book has been a devotional classic among Lutheran pastors. The beauty of the Minister's Prayer Book is its centering of the pastor's calling on word and sacrament, on pastoral care, and on being fully present in the lives of God's people. While the basic structure and intent of the original work remains, new resources have been included to develop a broader appeal.
Fortress Commentary on the Bible: The New Testament
This commentary on the New Testament presents a balanced synthesis of current scholarship, enabling readers to interpret Scripture for a complex and pluralistic world. The result is a commentary that is comprehensive and useful for preaching, teaching, and research.
By Heart Facilitator Guide
Offers guidance and encouragement for the group facilitator to coordinate a 7-session course highlighting By Heart. The point of this course is conversation and this guide can assist!
Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works—Reader's Edition Set
Using the acclaimed Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works English translation and adapted to a more accessible format, these new editions of Discipleship, Ethics, Letters and Papers from Prison, and Life Together feature the latest translations of Bonhoeffer’s works, supplemental material from Victoria J. Barnett, and insightful introductions by Geffrey B. Kelly, Clifford J. Green, and John W. de Gruchy.
Making Sense of Martin Luther DVD
Presented by David J. Lose, this seven-session video explores how Luther's understanding of God's life-changing gospel informs day-to-day faith and life in the world today.
Making Sense of Martin Luther Leader Guide
Skillfully guide groups through Making Sense of Martin Luther with this easy-to-use leader guide.
Preparing for Marriage: A Guide for Christian Couples
An effective resource for pastors and counselors to use in premarital counseling. This practical workbook helps engaged couples explore their expectations,...
A Faith of Many Rooms: Inhabiting a More Spacious Christianity
Disillusioned by narrow theology and constricted dogma, people are leaving Christianity in droves. But Jesus describes the reign of God as a house with many rooms. What if there are nooks and crannies of faith we have yet to explore? In A Faith of Many Rooms, Debie Thomas claims that the space where God dwells is expansive and full of belonging.
Lutheran Study Bible
Explore the NRSV Bible with accompanying background material, Lutheran insights, and faith reflection starters.
Mouth House
Good Grief
Word & World
The Cross Vision
Spark Bibles
Help kids encounter the Bible with the colorful Spark Story Bible and the kid-friendly Spark Bible NRSV.
Living with Hope series
Connect Bibles
Help kids connect the Bible to their own lives with the activities and tools in the Connect Bible NRSV.
Dwell in God’s word with Bibles for every age and experience level.