Augsburg Fortress

Gathered into One eBook: Devotions for Lent 2024

Gathered into One eBook: Devotions for Lent 2024

Gathered into One provides daily devotions for each day from Ash Wednesday to the Resurrection of Our Lord/Vigil of Easter (traditionally known as Holy Saturday). Devotions begin with an evocative image and a brief passage from First Corinthians. The writers then bring their diverse voices and pastoral wisdom to the texts with quotations to ponder, reflections, and prayers.

Portions of First Corinthians appear in the Revised Common Lectionary during each lectionary year. The apostle Paul writes this letter to the church in Corinth after hearing of quarreling and divisions among the people. He teaches the Corinthians that each person has a unique set of gifts from the Holy Spirit, given for the common good, and reminds them that the church is the body of Christ, joined together with one bread, one cup, one baptism, one God, and one Spirit. This theme of unity amid diversity is as timely now as it was when Paul wrote to the Corinthians.

  • Publisher Augsburg Fortress
  • Format eBook
  • ISBN 9781506496610
  • Year B
  • Pages 96
  • Season/Occasion Ash Wednesday; Easter; Lent & Holy Week
  • Publication Date November 7, 2023