Augsburg Fortress

Organ Miniatures: Hymn Introductions and Settings

Organ Miniatures: Hymn Introductions and Settings

These brief and imaginative hymn settings are useful as introductions, organ stanzas, interludes, ways of extending a hymn after being sung by the assembly, as well as models for further improvisation and composition. Each setting is based on a rhythmic, melodic, or harmonic idea that casts the hymn tune in a creative light. You can listen to a recording of these settings on Spotify. 

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  • Publisher Augsburg Fortress
  • ISBN 9781506466088
  • Dimensions 9 x 12
  • Pages 56
  • Season/Occasion Advent; Christmas; Communion; Easter; Epiphany; General; Lent & Holy Week; Pentecost
  • Difficulty Easy-Medium
  • Voicing Organ
  • Publication Date May 11, 2020