Augsburg Fortress

Book of Harmony: Spirit and Service in the Lutheran Confessions

Book of Harmony: Spirit and Service in the Lutheran Confessions

The Reformation-era writings that make up the Lutheran Confessions remain lively resources for Christian ministry and mission today. Because each of the documents within the Book of Concord was written with a specific context and rhetorical purpose in mind, each has its own compelling story and objectives. Luther's catechisms present the faith for daily life at the grass-roots level, with teaching elements that we might now view as typical of social media and multimedia. The Augsburg Confession and its Apology provide an adaptable foundation for preaching, teaching, church organization, and dialogue that is rooted in the promise of Christ, received through faith. Fifteen years after the Diet of Worms, the Smalcald Articles reveal yet another "Here I stand" moment for Luther. Finally, the Formula of Concord shows how the next generations of Lutherans used collaboration and consensus as they wrestled with important themes of faith and life. In summary, as these texts engage us with their stories, they invite us to consider what is most important about our journeys of faith and Christian witness in today's twenty-first-century contexts.


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  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781506400181
  • eBook ISBN 9781506401102
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 192
  • Publication Date July 1, 2016


"On every page, readers at all levels of interest in and commitment to the Lutheran tradition will discover new insights into the historical, systematic, and practical aspects of the Lutheran confessions.  Martin J. Lohrmann has produced a work of great ecumenical sensitivity that reflects the unique, down-to-earth approach used by Lutherans in confessing the Christian faith."

Timothy J. Wengert | emeritus, The Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia

"Martin J. Lohrmann provides a lucid, accessible engagement with the Lutheran Confessions with keen, timely attention to fidelity to both the sixteenth century Reformation context and the contemporary missional call to bear witness to Jesus Christ in the twenty-first century. The reader is therefore challenged to see Confessional particularities in their essential evangelical thrust which rightly places Christian discipleship in and through the church for the sake of the world. This is a text that can be used in diverse settings: congregation, confirmation, college, and seminary."

Winston D. Persaud | Wartburg Theological Seminary

"Book of Harmony is much more than a study of The Book of Concord. Lohrmann uses the Confessional writings as the foundation for a solid, accessible introduction to Lutheran theology, with justification by faith at the center. Lohrmann's pastoral experience shines through in his treatment of the Confessions not only as theological statements within their own historical contexts but also as spiritual documents that are rich resources for the life and mission of the Church of Christ today. The book is suitable for adult education groups in congregations as well as for use in undergraduate and seminary classrooms."

Kathryn A. Kleinhans | Wartburg College