Augsburg Fortress

A People's History of Christianity: One Volume Student Edition

A People's History of Christianity: One Volume Student Edition

On its release, the seven volume A People’s History of Christianity was lauded for its commitment to raising awareness of the ways in which ordinary Christians have lived throughout more than twenty centuries of Christian history. Now, the essential material from that important project is available for classroom use.
This one volume edition contains careful selections and abridgements of the original content and covers the entire scope of church history. It provides a valuable overview on such topics as birth and death, marriage and family life, baptism rites, food, power, heresy, and more. Students are both informed and inspired by seeing the importance of ordinary Christians in shaping Christianity across time.


  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781451470536
  • eBook ISBN 9781451479676
  • Brand People’s History of Christianity
  • Dimensions 7.5 x 9.25
  • Pages 350
  • Publication Date March 1, 2014


“This series of books, issuing from editors in whom I have great confidence, ‘turns history upside down’ and reveals what times and events were like for Christians—and sometimes their rivals and enemies. . . . These stories may come up from the basement of church history, but news about their existence deserves to be shouted from the housetops!”
Martin E. Marty
University of Chicago Divinity School
“The people of God—the body of Christ, the church!—are finally having their story told. Highly recommended.”
Mark U. Edwards Jr.
Harvard Divinity School