Augsburg Fortress

Fortress Commentary on the Bible: The New Testament

Fortress Commentary on the Bible: The New Testament

The Fortress Commentary on the Bible: The New Testament presents a balanced synthesis of current scholarship, enabling readers to interpret Scripture for a complex and pluralistic world.
The contributors bring a rich diversity of perspectives to the task of connecting solid historical critical analysis of Scripture with sensitivity to theological, cultural, and interpretive issues arising in our encounter with the text. The contributors represent a broad array of theological commitment—Protestants, Catholics, Jews, and others.
The introductory articles and section introductions in the volume discuss the dramatic challenges that have shaped contemporary interpretation of the New Testament. Individual book articles provide an introduction and commentary on key sense units that are explored through the lenses of three critical questions:
  • The text in its ancient context. What did the text probably mean in its original historical and cultural context?
  • The text in the interpretive tradition. How have centuries of reading and interpreting shaped our understanding of the text?
  • The text in contemporary discussion. What are the unique challenges and interpretive questions that arise for readers and hearers of the text today?
The result is a commentary that is comprehensive and useful for preaching, teaching, and research.

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  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Hardcover
  • ISBN 9780800699178
  • eBook ISBN 9781451489552
  • Brand Fortress Biblical Preaching Commentaries
  • Dimensions 7.5 x 9.25
  • Pages 700
  • Publication Date October 1, 2014


"Although still a fierce crank about and critic of the commentary as an academic-intellectual genre and religio-cultural-political refraction, I am intrigued by this new project: the editors seem to me—certainly, in the framing material, with its raising of ex-centric and broad problems, questions, and issues—to be working in the direction of destabilization of genre. And so as an effort in destabilization of genre I applaud this 'commentary.'"
—Vincent L. Wimbush
Institute for Signifying Scriptures, Claremont Graduate University
"Very impressive—the best one-volume scholarly commentary on the New Testament available today."
—Marcus J. Borg, Hundere Distinguished Professor of Religion and Culture Emeritus
Oregon State University

"While most biblical commentaries of the past have focused either on the text in its original context or in contemporary interpretation or attempted to combine the two with very little in between, this new approach takes on the three aspects of ancient context, contemporary discussion, and the middle ground of the interpretive tradition. In response to recent interest in the history of interpretation, this represents a welcome new approach that gives readers an introduction to the rich interpretive tradition that has happened over the centuries between the biblical writings and our own interaction with them."
—Carolyn Osiek, RSCJ, Charles Fischer Professor of New Testament Emerita
Brite Divinity School

“The new Fortress Commentary on the Bible offers a tool for encountering Scripture in a new and multi-faceted way. Like many commentaries on the Bible, it provides information on the cultural and social situation in which the biblical text was composed. . . . Unlike many commentaries, this one is more interested in stimulating a critical encounter with the biblical text than in providing a set of answers about what it once may have meant. With this approach, the commentary offers to be particularly useful to intelligent modern readers of the Bible, who respect its role as a formative text in the development of the Christian tradition, but who also approach the text sensitive to its potential dysfunction. It promises to be a welcome tool for pastors and teachers seeking to encourage a thoughtful and critical engagement with the Bible.”
—Harold W. Attridge
Yale Divinity School


Review on Bible Buing Giude

Review in Bible Today

Review in Ratherview Magazine

Review on Pursuing Veritas


An interview with Professor Paul Kim, Methodist Theological School in Ohio, on why he uses the Fortress Commentary on the Bible for his course!

Interview with Paul Kim, Methodist Theological School in Ohio