Augsburg Fortress

A People's History of Christianity: Twentieth-Century Global Christianity, Vol 7

A People's History of Christianity: Twentieth-Century Global Christianity, Vol 7

A specific focus and intent of this final volume of A People's History of Christianity is to delve behind the global phenomenon of Christianity to glimpse some of the very rich and dynamic lifeways within it. Ranging over the whole century and across several continents, the scholars in this volume probe Christians' creative encounters with popular culture, liturgy and spirituality, social change and Marxism, intrareligious and interreligious dialogue, and changes in gender expectations and roles. Includes 50 illustrations, maps, bibliographies, and an 8-page color gallery.

Contributors include Mary Farrell Bednarowski; Mercy Oduyoye, Ghana; Patrick Henry, St. John's University; Bruce Forbes, Morningside College; Valerie Demarinis, Upsaala University; Rosetta E. Ross, Spelman College; Ada María Isasi-Díaz, Drew University; Mark Noll, Wheaton College; Ann Pederson, Augustana College; Eleazar Fernández, United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities; Victoria Barnett United States Holocaust Memorial Museum; Margaret Bendroth, American Congregational Association; Oscar Cole-Arnal, Waterloo Lutheran Seminary; Paul Mojzes, Rosemont College; Luis Rivera-Pagán, Princeton Theological Seminary; Ethan Sanders, University of Cambridge; Christina Traina, Northwestern University; Jean-Paul Wiest, University of San Francisco.

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  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800697259
  • Brand People’s History of Christianity
  • Age/Grade Range Adult
  • Dimensions 7 x 9.25
  • Pages 464
  • Publication Date March 3, 2010

Table of Contents

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"Hidden for centuries by their anonymity and illiteracy, the people of God—the body of Christ, the church—are finally having their story told, and by some of today's finest historians of the church. The saints, bishops, and theologians of traditional histories can now be placed against the panoramic and fascinating backdrop of the lived religion of ordinary men and women of faith. Highly recommended."
—Mark U. Edwards, Jr.
Harvard Divinity School

"Historians are supposed to be staid chroniclers of hardly changing stories. A People's History of Christianity will demonstrate that they need not be confined in these static roles. The concept of this 'people's history' represents a virtual revolution in the writing of Christian history, a change that means something dynamic, something that should draw the attention of many who do not think of themselves as likers of history.

"Here's why: this series of books, issuing from editors in whom I have great confidence and many of whose writers I know and respect, 'turns history upside down' and reveals what times and events were like for Christians—and sometimes their rivals and enemies—on the ground. Professional historians long neglected this 'up close' approach, evidently thinking that the basic folk did not merit attention. Add to that another reason for the failure to take them into account: it is harder to get at the stories and records of their lives.

"Now, thanks to a generation of historians with interests in ordinary (but really extraordinary) Christians in ages past, these people can be observed as seldom before. While they did not leave documents in the forms of formal creeds, confessions, or concordats, and while their names did not mean as much to cleric–chroniclers of old as did those of bishops, abbots, and emperors, we now have techniques to unearth scraps, snippets, letters, diaries, transactions, which, taken together and treated in expert hands, let us find how exciting their lives are, how misguided decisions were to talk about the elite few and neglect the faithful and faithless many.

"These stories may come up from the basement of church history, but news about their existence deserves to be shouted from the housetops."
—Martin E. Marty
University of Chicago Divinity School