Augsburg Fortress

Incarnation: On the Scope and Depth of Christology

Incarnation: On the Scope and Depth of Christology

Leads readers to an understanding of "deep incarnation," interpreting this central Christian idea to address the needs of the entire created order, and allows Christology to be relevant and meaningful when responding to the challenges of scientific cosmology and of global religious pluralism.

Richard Bauckham
Gerald O’Collins
John Behr
Torstein Tollefsen
Jürgen Moltmann
Elizabeth A. Johnson
Denis Edwards
Celia Deane-Drummond
Christopher Southgate
Holmes Rolston III
Stuart Kauffman
Dirk Evers
Robert John Russell
John Polkinghorne
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  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781451465402
  • eBook ISBN 9781451469844
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 409
  • Publication Date July 1, 2015


                Niels Henrik Gregersen
Part 1: Creation and Incarnation: New Testament and Early Church Perspectives
1 The Incarnation and the Cosmic Christ
                Richard Bauckham
2 Word, Spirit, and Wisdom in the Universe: A Biblical and Theological Reflection
                Gerald O’Collins, SJ
3 Saint Athanasius on “Incarnation”
                John Behr
4 Saint Maximus the Confessor on Creation and Incarnation
                Torstein Theodor Tollefsen
Part 2: Deep Incarnation: Perspectives from Contemporary Systematic Theology
5 Is God Incarnate in All That Is?
                Jürgen Moltmann
6 Jesus and the Cosmos: Soundings in Deep Christology
                Elizabeth A. Johnson
7 Incarnation and the Natural World: Explorations in the Tradition of Athanasius
                Denis Edwards
8 The Wisdom of Fools? A Theo-Dramatic Interpretation of Deep Incarnation
                Celia Deane-Drummond
9 Depth, Sign, and Destiny: Thoughts on Incarnation
                Christopher Southgate
10 The Extended Body of Christ: Three Dimensions of Deep Incarnation
                Niels Henrik Gregersen
Part 3: Divine Presence and Incarnation: Scientific and Philosophical Perspectives
11 Divine Presence—Causal, Cybernetic, Caring, Cruciform: From Information to Incarnation
                Holmes Rolston III
12 Natural Incarnation: From the Possible to the Actual
                Stuart Kauffman
13 Incarnation and Faith in an Evolutionary Framework
                Dirk Evers
14 Jesus: The Way of all Flesh and the Proleptic Feather of Time
                Robert John Russell
Part 4: Concluding Reflections
15 Afterword: Reservations
                John Polkinghorne
16 Deep Incarnation: Opportunities and Challenges
                Niels Henrik Gregersen
About the Authors