Paul: Apostle to the Nations, An Introduction
Who was Paul? What did he do? What did he write? Walter F. Taylor sets out to bring together a wealth of contemporary perspectives in a clear and accessible synthesis...
The Cry of Tamar: Violence against Women and the Church's Response, Second Edition
In this comprehensive, practical, and gripping assessment of various forms of violence against women, Pamela Cooper-White challenges the Christian churches to examine...
The Violence of Scripture: Overcoming the Old Testament's Troubling Legacy
No one can read far in the Hebrew Bible without encountering depictions of violence carried out by human beings, sometimes in the name of God, or indeed...
Jewish Literature between the Bible and the Mishnah: Second Edition
Nickelsburg introduces the reader to the broad range of Jewish literature that is not part of either the Bible or the standard rabbinic works.
Jeremiah: Pain and Promise
Whether dealing with collective catastrophe or intimate trauma, recovering from emotional and physical hurt is hard. Kathleen O'Connor shows that although...
Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testaments: Theological Reflection on the Christian Bible
This monumental work is the first comprehensive biblical theology to appear in many years and is the culmination of Brevard Child's lifelong commitment to...
The Word That Redescribes the World: The Bible and Discipleship
In the last several years, Walter Brueggemann's writings have directly addressed the situation of Christian communities in today's globalized context, with its...
The Book That Breathes New Life: Scriptural Authority and Biblical Theology
"The purpose of this collection of Brueggemann's essays is to bring to the fore a much more extensive critical engagement on his part with the current...
Disruptive Grace: Reflections on God, Scripture, and the Church
Walter Brueggemann has been one of the leading voices in Hebrew Bible interpretation for decades. His landmark works in Old Testament theology have inspired and...
Documents and Images for the Study of Paul
The world surrounding Paul and the assemblies comes vividly to life here. Documents and Images for the Study of Paul gathers representative texts illustrating...
Apostle to the Conquered, paperback edition: Reimagining Paul's Mission
What did Paul mean by identifying himself as "apostle to the nations"? Davina C. Lopez finds the surprising answer in the way the Roman Empire depicted the...
The Writings of the New Testament: Stand-alone CD-ROM
The completely revised and updated version of Johnson's very successful introduction to the New Testament (1999) is now available on a CD-ROM that contains...
Lyrics of Lament: From Tragedy to Transformation
In a world torn by division, violence, and deprivation, there are to be found largely forgotten laments, by singers, poets, and musicians across cultural and...
The Bible in Human Transformation: Toward a New Paradigm in Bible Study
"Historical biblical criticism is bankrupt." That startling affirmation began The Bible in Human Transformation when it first appeared in 1975. Wink asserts...
eBook-The Bible: An Introduction, First Edition
Jerry Sumney discusses his newest Fortress Press textbook, The Bible. Click below to watch. Find more videos like this on Fortress Forum Find more...
Disturbing Divine Behavior: Troubling Old Testament Images of God
How should we understand biblical texts where God is depicted as acting irrationally, violently, or destructively? If we distance ourselves from disturbing...
Jesus and Creativity
The lively interest today in the historical figure of Jesus is rarely matched by theological advances in understanding his person and significance for our own...
Approaches to Paul: A Student's Guide to Recent Scholarship
What distinguishes the "new perspective on Paul"—and what lies beyond it? What are scholars saying about Paul and the Roman Empire or about the...
The Living Word: Second Edition
Read Fortress Press's interview with James Dunn, only on fortressforum.com! Few scholars have thought so long or so carefully about the role of biblical...
Paul: In Fresh Perspective
The letters of the Apostle Paul changed the world like no others before or since, and they continue to strike us afresh with their panoramic vision of human history and destiny.
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