Shaping the Claim: Moving from Text to Sermon
Shaping the Claim helps the preacher discover the core of the message to be preached—the sermonic "claim." In order to be effective, says...
Knowing the Context: Frames, Tools, and Signs for Preaching
While everyone might affirm that preaching needs to engage its listeners deeply, the initial move for novice preachers is to think this can be attained by...
Christian Education as Evangelism
Christian Education as Evangelism provides skills and tools for evangelical outreach. Each chapter includes stories, questions for reflection, and practical...
Clergy Burnout: Recovering from the 70-Hour Week...and Other Self-Defeating Practices
In this highly accessible book, Fred Lehr clarifies the nature and practice of clergy codependence. In short, insightful, and highly readable chapters, filled...
Fire of Grace: The Healing Power of Forgiveness
Trinity Lutheran Church was burned to the ground by one of the most prolific arsonists in the history of the United States. When Paul Keller was finally apprehended and...
Chasing Down a Rumor: The Death of Mainline Denominations
Bacher and Inskeep believe that mainline denominations serve as caretakers of the important American expressions of Christianity, and if they are weak or lost,...
Preaching Parables to Postmoderns
Stiller argues that Jesus' parables, through their narrative, personal, and oral dimensions and reversal of expectations, provide unique access to Christianity...
Boundary Leaders: Leadership Skills for People of Faith
A major challenge for religious communities today lies in harnessing the commitment and energy of religious people to address larger societal issues. Key to...
One Anothering, Volume 1: Biblical Building Blocks for Small Groups
Eleven sessions, based on such themes as "love one another," "bear one another's burdens," "submit to one another," and "encourage one another." Includes...
One Anothering, Volume 2: Building Spiritual Community in Small Groups
Ten sessions, based on such themes as "accept one another," "serve one another," "teach one another," and "honor one another."...
One Anothering, Volume 3: Creating Significant Spiritual Community
Nine sessions, based on such themes as "speak truthfully to one another," "do not grumble against one another," "do not provoke one another," and "look out for...
Breaking the Conspiracy of Silence
Christian Churches and the Global AIDS Crisis More than twenty years into the global AIDS pandemic, the efforts of Christian congregations and denominations...
The Gift and Task of Lutheran Higher Education
Why should Lutherans care whether there are any ''Lutheran'' colleges and universities? Why should people who study, teach, and work in colleges and...
Aging, Spirituality, and Religion, A Handbook: Volume 1
This book examines the ways religion and spirituality are experienced by aging persons within an aging society. It aims to encompass the wholeness of the...
Shared Wisdom: Use of the Self in Pastoral Care and Counseling
Understanding one's personal issues and emotional reactions—one's "countertransference"—has long been recognized as a core competency in ministry....
Healing Bodies and Souls: A Practical Guide for Congregations
As healthcare leaders widely recognize, churches are second homes to their members and ideally situated—indeed called—to serve their communities...
Literary Companion to the Festivals
This beautiful volume offers poems and other literary readings to enhance liturgical celebration of the church's Lesser Festivals and Commemorations. Drawn...
Executive Values: A Christian Approach to Organizational Leadership
What does it really take to add lasting value to your organization today? In Executive Values, Kurt Senske demonstrates how Christian values support long term...
Aging, Spirituality, and Religion, A Handbook: Volume 2
Aging, Spirituality, and Religion, Volume 1 published in 1995 by Fortress Press, provided the sociological, psychological, and theological perspectives for...
The Gift to Listen, the Courage to Hear
The Gift to Listen, the Courage to Hear interweaves listening techniques with spiritual principles that emphasize the importance of listening and provide a...
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