Augsburg Fortress

Colaborate: Lutheran Confirmation

Fearless faith formation

Why choose Colaborate: Lutheran Confirmation?

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    Made for Lutheran youth

    Created by people who know the Lutheran tradition, the Bible, and teens.

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    A lasting faith experience

    Promotes a rich, meaningful confirmation experience by presenting faith as a path of growth and discovery.

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    A lasting Bible

    Colaborate: Lutheran Student Bible brings the story of God to life. It’s smart, fun, and durable.

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    Problem-based learning

    Students discover how faith is relevant to their lives as they collaborate on a variety of projects.

How it works

infographic about Colaborate infographic about Colaborate
"The handbook and leader guide are very appealing. I believe it is important for teens today to form their own opinions—through study, prayer, and research."
April , youth pastor, North Carolina
"I like that this isn’t just a leader asking questions. It’s interesting and interactive and gets you thinking about what you believe."
Isaac , student, Minnesota
"The format of questioning and problem-solving helps students learn more about God and the church. I also like all of the support for the leader in guiding the class."
Beth , volunteer, Wisconsin
Colaborate Bible cover

Colaborate: Lutheran Student Bible (NRSV)

Interactive graphics, interesting facts, and insightful commentary encourage teens (grades 7 to 12) to go deep into the Bible and faith—and have fun in the process.

Curriculum Order Builder

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Scope and sequence

The four Colaborate units provide 60 sessions for your confirmation program. Download the full scope and sequence.

I don't know why the Bible is so special, why certain parts made the cut, and who had the right to decide.
The Hebrew Bible
I don't know why the Hebrew Bible is part of the Christian Bible.
I don't know why Genesis matters when science has already disproven the stories.
I don't understand why (or how) God plays favorites with Moses and the Israelites.
I don't understand why we observe some parts of the law but not others.
I don't know what judges are at all.
I don't know why Ruth would willingly become an outsider in a foreign land.
I don't know where kings fit into the story of Israel.
Babylonian Captivity
I don't get why God would free the people only to let them be captured again.
I don't understand what qualifies someone to be a prophet.
I don’t know what purpose the psalms serve.
I don’t know what makes wisdom books more wise than the rest of the Bible.
I don’t know why bad things happen to good people.
I don’t know why Esther’s story matters when it doesn’t mention God.
The Rise of Rome
What happened in the world between the Old Testament and New Testament?
Martin Luther
If we follow Jesus, why do we call ourselves Lutherans?
The Reformation
Since the church is so divided, I don’t understand how the Reformation could be a good thing.
The Reformers
I don’t know how just one person like Martin Luther could totally change the church.
Lutheran Confessions
I don’t know why stuff outside the Bible is important to my faith.
I don’t know what we’re reforming from/to/for. I thought the Reformation was done. How will I know when we’re done reforming?
Luther’s Small Catechism
I don’t know why the Small Catechism matters.
The Ten Commandments
I don’t know why I should keep the 10 Commandments.
Apostles’ Creed,
Article 1
I don’t know if I believe in God.
Apostles’ Creed,
Article 2
I don’t see how Jesus has anything to do with me.
Apostles’ Creed,
Article 3
The Holy Spirit seems really ambiguous, undefined, and impersonal. (P.S. Creepy, too.)
The Lord’s Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer is just empty words to me.
Holy Baptism
I don’t know why people should get baptized.
Holy Communion
I don’t know what communion is for.
Confession & Forgiveness
I don’t understand why we need to confess if we’re already forgiven.
Daily Prayers
I don’t see the point in praying prayers that other people wrote; it seems forced, insincere, and awkward.
I don’t know where all this Bible stuff happened.
The New Testament
If the whole Bible is so important, I don’t understand why it is split into two parts.
I don’t understand how Jesus could be fully human and fully divine.
I don’t know why Matthew refers to the Old Testament all the time.
I don’t get why Mark skips stuff and ends before the story does.
I’m not sure why Luke is so fixated on the Roman Empire and people on the fringes of society.
I don’t get why John is SO different from the other Gospels and changes the order of events.
I don’t know if church today is supposed to look like the church in Acts.
Paul and the Early Church
I don’t know why we hold Paul in such high esteem, given his poor track record with Christians.
Paul’s Theology
I’m not sure why Paul’s ideas are so important to Christians.
I don’t know why Paul felt the need to cram so many diverse issues and topics into one letter.
1st and 2nd Corinthians
I don’t know why the church in Corinth seemed so messed up and confused.
I don’t know what to do when Christians disagree.
I don’t know why so many letters are considered Holy Scripture.
I don’t know how to read this book without being scared or confused about the end of the world.
Justification by Faith
I don’t see why I can’t take care of justification on my own.
The Cross
I don’t understand why a symbol of execution is a central image of Christianity.
Law & Gospel
I don’t know why the law still matters when we have the gospel.
Saint & Sinner
I never feel like I’m a "good enough" Christian, and I don’t know what to do about it.
The Church
I don’t know why I have to go to church to be a Christian.
Freedom of a Christian
I thought freedom meant I was free of expectations and requirements.
The Neighbor
I don’t need any neighbors, because I already have enough friends and family.
I don’t trust that grace is really a free gift.
The Word
I’m not sure if the words in the Bible are the same thing as The Word.
Bondage of the Will
I’m not sure what or who is behind the choices I make.
Two Kingdoms
I thought Jesus only talked about one kingdom.
I don’t know what God is calling me to do with my life.
I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel during or after worship.
I don’t know what or where the devil is.
Sometimes I have doubts and I don’t know if that’s okay.