Augsburg Fortress

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  • IRL: Finding Realness, Meaning, and Belonging in Our Digital Lives

    IRL: Finding Realness, Meaning, and Belonging in Our Digital Lives

    It's easy to view our online presence as fake, to see the internet as a space we enter when we aren't living our real, offline lives. IRL, Chris Stedman's insightful exploration of authenticity in the digital age, shines a light on how age-old notions of realness can be freshly understood in our online lives. Stedman invites readers to consider how they use the internet to fulfill the essential need to feel real, online and off.



  • The Ancient Way: Discoveries on the Path of Celtic Christianity

    The Ancient Way: Discoveries on the Path of Celtic Christianity

    For years, River Jordan felt a call to travel to the mystical Isle of Iona--the island that gave birth to Celtic Christianity. In The Ancient Way she invites us to join her on this pilgrimage as she explores ancient Celtic Christian practices such as hospitality, imagination, and community. This is a thoughtful guide for cultivating divine connection as we embark on our own wild adventures, chasing the mystery that calls us all.



  • Giving Up Whiteness: One Man's Journey

    Giving Up Whiteness: One Man's Journey

    Jeff James thought he was one of the good white guys. But when he asked an African American friend how he could help fight racism, he had to think again. "Simple," she shot back, "get rid of whiteness." In Giving Up Whiteness, James examines what it means to be white in twenty-first-century America. Ultimately, James writes, well-meaning white people have a lot of work to do, and it's past time to get started.



  • The Price of Admission: Embracing a Life of Grief and Joy

    The Price of Admission: Embracing a Life of Grief and Joy

    On the surface Liz Petrone looks as if she has it all. But, like many women, she is desperately lonely and dealing with ghosts of her own. Through a combination of personal narrative and common truths, Liz provides a timeless reminder to world-weary readers that, just as birth follows death, light does indeed follow darkness; and that, often, it is because of our pain--and not despite it--that we grow, survive, and--yes--thrive.



  • Nomad: A Spirituality for Traveling Light

    Nomad: A Spirituality for Traveling Light

    Part-autobiography, part-Christian spirituality, Nomad offers penetrating insight into the minds of the new generations of progressive evangelical followers of Jesus in the global Church, writing on themes that include community, war, redemption, wonder, grace, sexuality, and the Eucharist.



  • Expecting Wonder: The Transformative Experience of Becoming a Mother

    Expecting Wonder: The Transformative Experience of Becoming a Mother

    Pregnancy isn't just a physical transformation. An emotional and spiritual journey is also taking place: you're becoming a mother.

    In Expecting Wonder, Brittany L. Bergman explores this identity transformation with wit and grace, offering a heart-level guidebook for women in the season of pregnancy. By sharing her own journey of fear, change, and hope, Bergman offers readers a picture of the miracle that God is working not just in her body, but in her soul.



  • The Poet and the Fly: Art, Nature, God, Mortality, and Other Elusive Mysteries

    The Poet and the Fly: Art, Nature, God, Mortality, and Other Elusive Mysteries

    In this revelatory book, Robert Hudson considers seven poets, each of whom wrote a provocative poem about a fly. Considering Emily Dickinson, William Blake, and several other poets, The Poet and the Fly brings together the poetry, the flies, and the poets' own lives to explore the imaginative, and often prophetic, insights that come from the startling combination of poetry and flies, the extraordinary and the ordinary.



  • Worth It: Overcome Your Fears and Embrace the Life You Were Made For

    Worth It: Overcome Your Fears and Embrace the Life You Were Made For

    Brit Barron grew up in an Evangelical megachurch in the '90s, boxed in by her fears, unable to realize her full potential. All that changed when she fell in love with a girl named Sami.

    Worth It shares her story to inspire us to overcome our own fears--the fears that keep us from evolving beyond the narratives that have been defined by others. When we do, we'll find out it was so worth it!

