Augsburg Fortress

Worship Matters: An Introduction to Worship Participant Book

Worship Matters: An Introduction to Worship Participant Book

The participant book provides all the content a participant needs for each session, and serves as an excellent reference after the course is complete.
This five-session introductory course has been developed to help participants grow into a richer understanding of the foundations of Lutheran worship. With a focus on the principal gathering around word and sacrament, this course explores the foundational questions about why we gather, how we encounter God in worship, and how that encounter shapes our response in both our communities and our world. Topics include the church year, the lectionary, holy baptism, holy communion, corporate prayer, worship and culture, and more.
Approachable and accessible, Worship Matters: An Introduction to Worship will stimulate meaningful discussion about worship practices. An excellent resource for new member classes, adult forums, or seasonal and Lenten studies, this course promises to deepen the worship life of each participant.
While Lutherans don’t all worship in exactly the same way, they do hold central things in common. This course invites exploration of those central things by considering the purpose and pattern of worship as practiced by Lutherans—the why and the how.
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  • Publisher Augsburg Fortress
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781451436051
  • Brand Worship Matters
  • Age/Grade Range Adult
  • Pages 96
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Publication Date September 17, 2012

Table of Contents

Session 1: Why Do We Worship?
Session 2: Encountering God in Word
Session 3: Encountering God in the Sacraments
Session 4: Responding to God in Prayer and Praise
Session 5: Worship and the World

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