Augsburg Fortress

Evangelical Lutheran Worship Liturgies License

Evangelical Lutheran Worship Liturgies License

The Evangelical Lutheran Worship Liturgies License is only for congregations, not individuals.  

This license conveys permission to reproduce the unaltered text, with or without the assembly version of the music, for worship or study; permission to livestream the music for one-time, non-commercial use in a worship service; and permission to make recordings for one-time, non-commercial use for a performance or worship service.  

With this license, you are NOT allowed to make adaptations, translations, or new arrangements of the material, and you are also NOT allowed to charge for use of the material, even at reimbursement costs. 

To use materials under this license, copyright credit lines must include the following: [Copyrighted element(s)] [Copyright notice]. Used by permission of Augsburg Fortress under license # (insert license number as issued). 

Once the license has been paid for and activated, it is valid for one year unless it is violated, in which case it will be immediately canceled. The license will automatically renew after one year and you will be charged again unless you cancel the license. 

Note: This license only covers resources within the Evangelical Lutheran Worship family or resources. For more options, consider the Augsburg Fortress Liturgies License, which is included with Sundays and Seasons Standard and Deluxe subscriptions.

Learn what churches need to know about copyright

$49.00 - $149.00